1. Housekeepers Hell

    Date: 6/21/2024, Categories: Fiction BDSM Bondage and restriction Cruelty Female/Female Horror, Non-consensual sex Torture, Written by women Author: barbarabadgirl, Source: sexstories.com

    ... clover clamps aside. Alice screamed through her nose and gag and jerked in the bondage so hard it shook the bed. Both women just watched in somber silence for a long moment drinking in the disturbingly erotic display of arousal and anguish, each feeling guilty of how they were feeling for different reasons.
    As Alice was moving further and further from her humanity, she felt mommy’s hands on her face. “There there, baby, you’re doing so well. Your ass is plugged- you took it so well. I know it feels too full, and I'm sure that it aches, but you are doing so well.” As she spoke, she gently stroked Alice’s hair and face, carefully adjusting her in the bed and showing her care. “Dr. Green wants to do a few things to your naughty little pussy now, but we are going to give you a minute to calm down before we start. I know that you are overwhelmed and need to cum, but you need to keep holding on. I am going to put your headphones on, and you can listen to the waves. Focus on the waves when you need to cum- don’t let yourself ruin Dr. Green’s hard work, okay baby? She is making you better- just focus on the waves, and remember that mommy is right here with you.”
    Alice felt the headphones slide over the leather hood, and was soon greeted by the sound of crashing waves. It vaguely reminded her of the shock therapy of her first night of treatment, but more so it reminded her of Ms. Barbara, which made her think about kissing Ms. Barbara. Thinking about the kiss made Alice’s clit ...
    ... desperate to cum, so she tried to do what mommy said and focus on the waves. She could feel mommy and Ms. Barbara’s hands on her now, stroking and adjusting her breasts in the harness. She felt Ms. Barbara pulling on the clamp on her nipple, and then she took it off. Alice felt about one second of relief, followed by searing pain through her nipple. She screamed into her ball gag, frantically pulling on the restraints while the pain rippled through her as blood pumped through her unclamped nipple. When Alice felt mommy’s hands on the other, she wanted to beg her to leave it on- forever. Instead it came off after, sending Alice into another fit of pain. Alice’s screams died to a whimper, drool still freely flowing from her mouth after her outburst. Her nipples were sore, but the sharpness had dulled; she did as mommy said and focused on the waves, crashing in time with the throb in her nipples.
    While Alice was still focused on her sore nipples, Ms. Barbara and mommy had stationed themselves on the stool between Alice’s spread legs. They were looking at Alice’s harnessed pussy, pink, swollen, and leaking around the leather straps. Alice couldn’t hear what they were saying over the waves, so she just focused on quieting her mind while the women worked on her.
    The first thing she felt were Ms. Barbara’s gloved hands on the inside of her thighs, no doubt working up to her naughty little pussy. Each treatment always involved an inspection, so Alice was used to them- but with ...