1. Life Is Strange Ch. 3

    Date: 6/17/2024, Categories: Wife Lovers, Author: Woodart, Source: LushStories

    ... went to answer it. I couldn’t figure out who it might be, which inflamed my curiosity. You could have knocked me over with a feather when Mike’s wife, Anne, walked into the room. “Sherry tells me this trip might be a whole lot more fun than I thought.”
    My first thought was,What the ever living fuck?Neither Dawn nor I knew Anne very well. We had dinner with her before, both with and without our husbands, and we liked her well enough. We didn’t really know her, though, and to find out that Sherry had obviously shared some pretty private information with her really threw me a curve. I decided to let Sherry play out whatever plan she had before I roasted her ass.
    Sherry poured Anne a glass of wine and then stood while she talked to us. “Kim, Dawn, I know right about now that you both are ready to kill me. Please let me explain, and I think you’ll be reassured. Anne, the same thing goes for you.
    “Ladies, we have a golden opportunity in front of us. You see, it wasn’t all that long ago that Pete and Anne began a journey similar to yours.”
    I immediately turned my attention to Anne. The classy, nearly six-foot-tall blonde looked like the perfect trophy wife at forty-three. She was a statuesque beauty with a set of thirty-eight Ds that were possibly fake but sure didn’t look it. She appeared to be the perfect corporate executive wife, as prim, proper, and gorgeous as the day is long.
    I knew that wasn’t the case. We didn’t know her well but we had shared a few meals. I ...
    ... expected a stuck-up bitch the first time I met her, but I got a vivacious, funny, and friendly woman instead. I had enjoyed her company during the meals and had idly fantasized about her sex life. She sure looked like sex. Now, Sherry is telling us that Anne’s a hot wife? Suddenly, I was very interested in this conversation.
    Being the shy and unobtrusive person I am, I took the bull by the horns. “We’ll share if you will, Anne. You go first.”
    Anne’s laugh was one of her best features. It was so friendly and joyful that I couldn’t help but smile. She took a sip of her wine and leaned back on the couch. “All things considered, you have every right to know.”
    I almost stopped her right there with my obvious next question but didn’t. I let her continue in the hope that all would become clear, and boy-howdy did it!
    “Mike and I have always had a wonderful sex life. A few years ago things had started getting a bit predictable, and we started sharing fantasies to stir things up a bit. One thing kind of led to another, and on Mike’s fortieth birthday, I set up a threesome with another woman. The experience was eye-opening, to say the least. We had a wonderful time, and I learned that I liked some things that I had never considered before.
    “Unfortunately, the young woman decided that she was in love with my husband. She tried to seduce him away from me, and that ended badly for her. If I weren’t secure in my marriage, I never would have set up the threesome in the first ...