1. Life Is Strange Ch. 3

    Date: 6/17/2024, Categories: Wife Lovers, Author: Woodart, Source: LushStories

    ... right to touch base with her.”
    He needed half an hour to get free, and he would be over. I gave him Sherry’s address, thinking it might come in handy if he ever wanted to show up at the right place.
    Now, all I had to do was keep my friend and lover from losing her shit. I took a few minutes to call my long-suffering husband and fill him in. I promised to call him if we ran late. The sweet man told me not to bother. He didn’t want to interrupt our fun. He knew where I was and had a pretty good idea of what I would be doing. He did make me promise to call him if David needed some help. His claim to willingly sacrifice himself for the greater good made me laugh.
    Bob has been a jewel throughout Dawn’s sexual awakening, putting his own wants and needs aside so I could focus on my friend and lover. I owed him big time, and I needed to find a way to reward his loving patience.
    I went back inside and found Dawn refreshing her wine glass. Sherry and Anne were off somewhere, getting ready. I’m sure that Sherry was happy to share her clothes, but the options were limited, considering the difference in height and cup size between them. They hadn’t returned to the room yet when the doorbell rang. I let David in and escorted him to the ...
    ... living room.
    I should have known. Did I not tell David to ignore Dawn until the time was right? He decided the time was right as soon as he saw her. She practically leaped into his arms and held onto him for dear life. “I’m so sorry, David. I don’t know what came over me. Please don’t be angry.”
    He stood back far enough to look at her. “I’m not angry at all, but I am concerned. This fixation you have isn’t healthy. It makes you feel horrible, and it makes me feel like you don’t have faith in me. If you don’t want me to be with another woman, then I won’t. I thought we were on this journey together. Are you telling me now that you don’t want to share it with me? Does that seem right or fair to you?”
    She shook her head. “No, it isn’t fair at all. I do love you, and I do trust you. It’s time for me to deal with my shit. That’s why you are here now. One way or another, this gets dealt with today.”
    I handed David a glass of wine and had Dawn sit on the loveseat. When he went to sit next to her, I pointed at the couch and sat my ass down next to Dawn. As frustrated as I was with her, I wasn’t about to let her deal with this alone. David sat down on the couch and sipped his wine while we waited for Sherry and Anne to make their entrance. 