1. Life Is Strange Ch. 3

    Date: 6/17/2024, Categories: Wife Lovers, Author: Woodart, Source: LushStories

    ... place. Still, it was a lesson we needed to learn. People will naturally develop feelings for a lover, and that’s fine as long as the boundaries are maintained. I wouldn’t have minded if she loved my husband as a good friend. When she tried to steal him away, she didn’t cross a line; she broad-jumped over it.
    “That experience made me hesitant, and it took a while for Mike to convince me to try another threesome. This time, he set it up, and I found myself in bed with two lovely men. To say I enjoyed the experience would be a gross understatement. I have no idea how many orgasms I had, but I’ve never been so wonderfully exhausted.
    Mike and I reached an understanding. We could have lovers together or alone, as long as we both agreed before either of us did anything. Since then, we’ve limited our activities to a few special occasions and have had a great time.”
    “That brings us to the trip to Milford. Mike has lusted for two particular women for a long time. The problem is that he’s never had the chance to see if they have any interest. He thinks this might be his chance since both women will be there.
    “His problem has always been two-fold. First, both women are married, and second, both work for him. He would never want them to think their response to his interest would impact their employment. The informal atmosphere of the Milford event might be the one chance to let the two women know of his interest without them feeling like they are being coerced.
    “I’m sure ...
    ... that you have figured out by now that the two women are you, Dawn, and you, Kim.”
    She paused to let that sink in. For myself, I was concerned about the work-related aspects, but not too concerned. Mike had always acted respectfully and ethically around Dawn and me. The reality is that I would love to fuck that man. He’s a few inches over six foot tall, with that salt and pepper hair thing going, deep brown eyes, broad shoulders, and a deep, sexy voice. He was definitely a ten, and I’d often speculated about his prowess in bed. Questions and concerns flooded my mind, but I held my tongue.
    Sherry decided to throw some more craziness at us. “When you told me at lunch today that you were both open for some sexy fun, it immediately occurred to me that Anne and I could have some fun as well.
    “I happen to know that two male employees will be there that I’ve had my eye on for quite some time. I’ve never tried anything because their wives are my friends. Since both will be at loose ends due to the fact that their wives will be with other men, it occurred to me that they might enjoy the company of two hot women. I figure that if the wives are having fun, they probably wouldn’t mind if their men did, too.
    “Basically, Anne and I want to spend time with your husbands while you two have your fun.”
    I had no problem with that. I’d tried often enough to get Bob to have sex with other women. He had never seemed interested until Dawn. He might not want to have sex with Anne and ...