1. Life Is Strange Ch. 3

    Date: 6/17/2024, Categories: Wife Lovers, Author: Woodart, Source: LushStories

    ... Sherry. If he didn’t, I was going to get him to a shrink in a hurry. That’s when I looked at Dawn.
    She had this scowl on her face that made it very clear what she thought of Sherry's idea.
    I grabbed her hand and pulled her to her feet. “Give us a second to talk.”
    I dragged her pissed-off ass into the kitchen. “Look at you all jealous and shit. So, what’s good for the goose is off the table for the gander? Is that what you’re doing right now?”
    Her face turned the deepest shade of red I’ve ever seen on a human being. “I know, dammit! I know! I never expected to feel this way.”
    I tilted her chin up and gave her a peck on the lips. “You need to figure this shit out right now, girlfriend. This is huge. You’ve already been with two other men, and now you can’t stand the thought of Dave getting equal time? What the fuck, Dawn!”
    “Spill it, bitch. What is it that has you so upset?”
    Her mouth gaped as she struggled for the words, and I let her take all the time she needed. A tear ran down her cheek, and that nearly broke my heart. The look on her face was a confused mess of emotions. I pulled her into my arms and held her. “Calm down, my love, and tell me what’s bothering you.”
    “I’m afraid I’ll lose David. I mean, just look at them. What guy wouldn’t want to give up everything for either one of them? He’ll fall in love and leave me. I just know it.”
    I took the hand that was rubbing her back and smacked her on the ass hard. “You are really pissing me off, ...
    ... Dawn. What has David done while you’ve got your fuck on with me, with Bob, and with Zach? Hmm? Tell me he didn’t give you unconditional trust. Tell me he didn’t swallow his own worries because he trusted you enough to return to him. In return, you’ve decided a hot woman will steal him away. After everything, you still don’t trust him to do what’s right. I would never believe I would say what I’m about to say... I’m ashamed of you, Dawn.”
    She started bawling her eyes out, and I left her standing there. I went into the living room and saw the worried looks on Anne and Sherry’s faces. “Until a few days ago, Dawn had this fear that if she opened up sexually, she would lose her husband. He convinced her that she wasn’t going to lose him over something that they both had agreed to. She’s had a few experiences and liked them a lot. Her problem now is that her fear has returned. She thinks one of you will make Dave want to leave her. She needs time to think and an attitude adjustment. Give me a little time with her. She’ll come around once she realizes how selfish she’s acting.
    “I’ll call you and let you know what’s going on. If she can’t deal with this, the four of us will be staying home.”
    They were worried but understanding. I turned to go to the kitchen and nearly ran into Dawn. I was so pissed off that I almost pushed her away when she reached for me, but I just couldn’t. I love her too much to ever refuse her. I gathered her in my arms, and she kissed me desperately ...