1. Life Is Strange Ch. 3

    Date: 6/17/2024, Categories: Wife Lovers, Author: Woodart, Source: LushStories

    Dawn woke as I got out of bed. I had the coffee ready when she walked into the kitchen and began to prepare breakfast. I didn’t know if she had forgotten we had company, didn’t care, or was finding her exhibitionist side. Whatever her reasoning, the only thing she was wearing was a thong and a wife-beater. Her tits bounced deliciously as she moved about in the kitchen. I was sipping my coffee with my eyes glued to my wife when Zach walked in smiling. “Good morning, Dawn and Dave!”
    Dawn turned and gave him a sexy smile. “Good morning, Zach. Did you get plenty of rest?”
    He sat down on my side of the table so we could share the view. “Eventually. Kim is quite insatiable when she gets going. We had a wonderful time, and I’m sure there will be a nap in my future.”
    He looked at me as he reached out his hand to shake mine. “Are you doing okay with all of this? I don’t want to cause you guys problems.”
    I shook his hand. “Look at her, Zach. She’s happy, and you had a lot to do with that. It’s true that I’ve had to make some mental adjustments, but I assure you that I’m glad we met you.”
    He chuckled. “I remember when I had to make a few mental adjustments of my own. The first time Sybil fucked another guy, I nearly had a panic attack. It was the hottest and scariest thing I’d ever seen. I think Sybil and Dawn share a lot of qualities, one of which is unconditional love. Sybil had a wonderful time and her love for me shined like a beacon through it ...
    ... all.
    “Since then, we occasionally meet people we connect with, and sometimes that develops into more intimate activities. Sharing is special to us and we are discriminating about who we share with. I know Sybil will love all four of you. I can’t wait until she gets to meet you.”
    Dawn served us both breakfast while ensuring that we had enticing views of her bits and pieces. She sat down between us and ate her breakfast one-handed. Every so often, she would switch hands. I don’t know what her hand was doing on Zach’s side, but I sure know what it was doing on my side. Her fingertips teased up and down my raging erection, convincing me to adopt one-handed eating as well.
    I put my hand on her thigh and slid upward until the back of my hand met the back of Zach’s hand. Dawn blurted out a laugh while trying not to spit the last bite of her breakfast across the table.
    She stood and gathered her dirty dishes while making a production of looking at two very erect cocks. She shrugged her shoulders as she turned to the sink. “Hmm, I wonder how that happened?”
    We both groaned as she swayed her sweet ass to the sink. Apparently, washing a breakfast plate takes a lot of hip movement because her ass had Zach hypnotized. He looked at me and whispered. “Do you mind?”
    I knew exactly what he was asking. “Go for it.”
    He stood and approached my wife from behind. Her hands were in the dishwater when he pressed his body against hers. His hands came around and cupped her tits, and she moaned ...