1. Life Is Strange Ch. 3

    Date: 6/17/2024, Categories: Wife Lovers, Author: Woodart, Source: LushStories

    ... peak behind the curtain.
    It wasn’t lost on me that my fear of losing David had held us back. Bob and Kim were proof enough of that. Our experience with them convinced me to give it an enthusiastic shot. I decided to do that, but I was still going to be careful and always aware of David. If our little experiment didn’t make both of us happier, it would be over in a heartbeat.
    I also had to admit to myself I was excited about the possible adventure with Kim. The trip to Milford and Pete Parsons could end up being a nice vacation, or it could be something more than that. Whatever it turned out to be, I wanted to be able to do it without reservation and without harming my marriage.
    All of that was swirling around in my head when the four of us went out to dinner. Dinner was so much more intimate and fun for all of us now that we were lovers. By the time we arrived at the club, I’d made myself horny with thoughts of the four of us later that night.
    Kim and I were dancing together while giving our hubbies a break when two guys started dancing with us. Knowing Kim like I do, there was no way she was walking away. The guy dancing with me had a great smile and seemed kind, so I kept dancing. The two of us were trading subtle glances, trying to take in the view without giving ourselves away. I’m not sure what he thought of his view, but mine was very nice. He was just a little shorter than me, with curly blonde hair and mischievous blue eyes. Broad-shouldered, manly, and ...
    ... obviously very fit. He was definitely hot.
    The song ended, and I was thinking how much fun my little flirtatious dance had been when he touched my shoulder. A slow song had started, and he wanted to dance with me. I was a bit in shock when I looked at David. I still am not sure whether I was asking for permission or a rescue. His reaction was perfect. I felt an illicit thrill when I let my partner take me in his arms. I quickly learned that his name is Zach and we had a nice conversation as we danced. The conversation was mundane on the surface. His soft, sexy voice and hard body rubbing against mine hinted at a deeper subject.
    I remember thinking,Well, I’m dancing with Zach and haven’t run screaming for the door. This feels really good so far.
    I knew what the next step had to be if I was going to test myself. I had to introduce Zach to David. It only made sense. If I were really planning to take a man home with us, he would have to meet David at some point and get his approval. I might as well do that part and see how David and I feel about it. When I asked Zach if he would like to meet my husband, he surprised me and readily agreed. It thrilled me that he was so interested in me that he would risk meeting my husband. I wondered what his expectations were, I wondered if he was fantasizing about me, and I wondered if I was swimming into the deep end.
    Not tonight, I wasn’t. This was a little experiment, and that’s all it would be. We were out with our friends, and I ...