1. Life Is Strange Ch. 3

    Date: 6/17/2024, Categories: Wife Lovers, Author: Woodart, Source: LushStories

    ... wasn’t going to ditch them so some guy could try and seduce me. (Sorry, I meant to say, try to seduce me—a little mental lapse. There's nothing to see here; move along.)
    Zach was very attractive and seemed like a wonderful guy. I soon found out he was also a gifted seducer. Our next slow dance got a bit intense, and I found myself returning his kiss with some heat. I was so aroused when the song ended I was seriously thinking about taking the experiment further.
    Zach led me off the dance floor in a daze. I realized that things had gone far beyond what I had expected. Now was not the time to let my sexual animal take over. I needed to get a grip and end this experiment. Zach tried to lead me into the parking lot, but I stopped him. “Zach, I’ve really enjoyed dancing and talking with you, but I’m not going to leave my husband in here while I sneak off with you. It was a pleasure meeting you, and I liked the kiss a lot. Goodbye, Zach.”
    He smiled gently. “Please don’t say goodbye. I really wasn’t trying to steal you away. I fully intended to return you to Dave after I finished the kiss we started. I’m sorry if I misread things, and I would hate for our new friendship to end so soon. Hopefully, I will see you all again. Have a good night, Dawn.”
    Why did he have to be so damn nice? I was so tempted to call him back and ask him to join us, but I knew I couldn’t do that. That would be an unmistakable invitation to something more. Something I found myself excited thinking ...
    ... about and knew wasn’t going to happen.
    I turned around, horny, excited by the success of my experiment, and ready to drag my husband out of the club. When I saw him and Kim watching me, I followed my instincts and attacked his mouth. I was so fucking horny he could have taken me right there on the bar, and I would have happily let him. Of course, we would then have to find a new club to hang out at, but it would have been worth it.
    When David suggested bringing Zach home with us, I was taken completely by surprise. I will admit that the idea sent a jolt of arousal straight to my already-soaked crotch. I was torn. I was aroused and excited, but my reservations tempered my visceral reaction to Zach. By the time we arrived home, I was nearly shaking with nerves and arousal.
    Zach took so long to show up that I had pretty much decided he’d had second thoughts. I assumed that I had misread everything and was well on my way to sinking into depression. It isn’t fun to think someone finds you irresistibly attractive only to find out they aren’t interested at all. I’m usually confident that I’m a pretty sexy woman, but at that moment, I felt like an idiot for fooling myself.
    Then he showed up and immediately impressed David and Bob. The nice guy I thought I had met turned out to be not only hot but a pretty cool person on top of that. When he dropped the bomb about being married, I felt my stomach sink. There was no way I was going to take the next step with a married man. ...