1. Life Is Strange Ch. 3

    Date: 6/17/2024, Categories: Wife Lovers, Author: Woodart, Source: LushStories

    ... without giving Anne and Sherry a second thought.
    She calmed in my arms and I held her as she gathered herself. I let her go and gave her a long look. I wasn’t sure what to expect from her next. She took a deep breath and stepped in front of Anne and Sherry. “I’m deeply ashamed. I was totally out of line, and I panicked. That’s no excuse. I never meant to insult you or accuse you at all. I never dreamed that I would react that way. I’m very sorry.”
    Sherry and Anne stood and gave Dawn a double hug. Anne tilted Dawn’s chin toward her and looked her in the eye. “Unlike my husband’s first lover, I would never try to take your man. I have one of my own, thank you, and I plan on keeping him. I was perfectly willing to share him with you. I’m not so sure about that now.”
    Dawn nodded her head as the tears trickled down her cheek. “I understand. I am so very sorry.”
    Sherry wiped a tear away. “Stop that now. We aren’t happy with you right now, but we still care about you. You need to think this through and make a decision. If you aren’t willing to let your husband have the same freedoms he’s given you, then you need to spend the trip with your husband, not Pete, or Mike, or whomever.”
    Dawn took a deep breath. “Will you help me figure this out? Can I invite David here? I would like you two to be with him. If I panic again, kick my ass out, but if I don’t, then take things as far as you are comfortable.”
    I had to put in my two cents. “That actually makes sense. It ...
    ... would be better to get to the bottom of this in a private setting.”
    Anne gave Dawn a stern look. “I can’t speak for Sherry, but I’ll do it on one condition. No more drama from you. If you don’t like what you are seeing, then ask us to stop.”
    Sherry didn’t hesitate. “I’m definitely in. I’ve wanted to climb that man for a long time.”
    I watched Dawn, knowing that Sherry had just deliberately tried to rile her up again. I thought it was a smart move. If Dawn reacted badly to her statement, there was no sense in asking David to come over.
    Dawn surprised me when she blurted out a laugh. “If I told David you wanted to climb him, he’d show up with a rope ladder hanging off him and both hands cupped to give you a boost.”
    I grabbed my phone from my purse. “If we all agree, I’ll call David. Dawn, you sit down and have a glass of wine. Sherry and Anne can do whatever they think best to prepare.”
    Sherry held up her hand. “You know it would be perfectly acceptable to invite Bob as well.”
    “My, you are a horny girl, aren’t you? I promise you’ll get a shot at him, but not today. Let’s stay focused on Dawn’s problem and leave the orgy for another day.”
    I walked outside and called David. He truly is a remarkable man. He should have been pissed at Dawn’s reaction, but he was more concerned than anything else. “Look, David. The only way she’s going to get her mind right is if you pretend she’s not here and focus your attention on Sherry and Anne. You’ll know when the time is ...