1. Life Is Strange Ch. 3

    Date: 6/17/2024, Categories: Wife Lovers, Author: Woodart, Source: LushStories

    ... story so far outside of adjectives and graphic language. Suffice it to say that we are all ecstatically happy. Now, on to the good stuff.
    Dawn and I talked on the phone on Sunday evening. Any concerns I had were completely blown away. She was so happy and so excited about her new sexual freedom. She’s my Dawn, and I knew she hadn’t gone off the deep end. Her commitment to David was even deeper than before. Knowing that her marriage wasn’t threatened allowed her to think about the possibilities. I had every intention of expanding those possibilities significantly. I’m generous like that.
    The first interesting event of the week was lunch with Sherry. She emailed Dawn and me and asked us to join her for lunch. We both liked the executive secretary and unofficial wrangler of our occasional girls' nights and immediately agreed. I had the feeling this wasn’t the usual random lunch date.
    We settled in the back booth at our favorite gossip restaurant. To be clear, a gossip restaurant may not have the best food, but it does provide a place where we can talk about stuff without the other patrons listening in. It’s hard to screw up a luncheon salad anyway.
    Sherry was excited and could barely wait until our salads were served. “You’re not going to believe it. I get to go on the Milford trip! It’s going to be so much fun hanging out with you guys!”
    Dawn and I looked at each other in shock before I took the bull by the horns. “Are you going alone?”
    She shook her head. ...
    ... “No, Mike and his wife are going too.”
    I could see the disappointment on Dawn’s face. This wouldn’t do at all. I had to do something to try and salvage this. “We have some things to tell you, Sherry.”
    Dawn nodded her approval and I launched into a rather unbelievable story about two married women considering a bit of fun with men other than our husbands. That kind of led to telling her pretty much everything so far. Dawn added some hot details as the story progressed until we found ourselves out of time.
    Sherry called Mike and told him she was taking the rest of the afternoon off and was taking us with her. She paid the check and stood. “Meet me at my apartment in twenty minutes. I’ll supply the wine.”
    Dawn and I went back to the office long enough to close our offices and get the car. We pulled into the guest parking lot and were ringing Sherry’s doorbell with four minutes to spare. The door flew open, and a grinning Sherrie invited us in. “We have another guest coming. She’ll be here in a few.”
    Dawn did the raised eyebrow thing at me, and I shrugged. I had no idea what Sherry had in mind, but I knew her well enough not to worry about it. We settled in the living room with wine in hand while Sherry shared with us the travel plan, which happened to include a chartered business jet. The four of us were included as passengers, and that excited both of us. A direct flight in a luxury jet without the airport bullshit sounded wonderful.
    The doorbell rang, and Sherry ...