1. Retired - Chapter Four – Battle in the dark

    Date: 10/27/2015, Categories: Science-Fiction, Author: Brootforce, Source: sexstories.com

    ... for us. I don’t know how they found the tunnels. They had been closed so long, most people did not know they were here. I only knew about them because Randall and I had discovered them as kids. The light passed on and headed down another tunnel. I started moving again and soon was at the platform. I heard the slight click as the safety on one of the pistols clicked off. “It is me. Relax.” “Damn it, Drake, I could have shot you. They are searching the tunnels.” “I saw. We are going to have to go deeper in. There is a tunnel I am pretty sure they won’t search. Let’s load the bags on this cart and head there.” We quickly had the bags on the cart and were moving through the tunnels. “Where is this place they won’t search?” “There is a section of the tunnels that collapsed. There is a way through if you know how. The other side is a dead end with another controller’s office.” “I guess there is food in the cart?” “There should be enough for us to last a while if we need to. There is a working water line in the office so water won’t be a problem.” It took us a couple hours to make it to the collapsed section. Then I showed her how to get through. It took another half hour to get our gear through the thin passage. As I moved our gear in she was going through it and seeing what she had to work with. “I will be back in a bit. I need to ditch the hover cart. Stay put and don’t come looking for me. You should have enough food to last a couple weeks if I don’t come back. By then it ...
    ... should be safe to come out.” “Drake, you had better come back. This is going to be a very scary place to live with no company.” I smiled and moved out of the area. I pushed the cart for a couple miles, then I took some pieces of rubble and covered it. Now it just looked like another piece of junk in the tunnels. Now it was time to hunt. I knew where I wanted to go, and I knew which way to go. It was going to be a long walk. Then I heard shouting down one of the tunnels. They had found our abandoned hovercar. That would be a good place to start. I checked my weapons. It was time to be silent and deadly. I moved down the tunnels at a lope until I was just a little way from the car. I saw the men standing around it, and I moved into the maintenance tunnel to the side. I moved through the pitch black of the side tunnel until I saw a light. Then I smiled. One of the men was leaning against the door with his head against the small barred window. I moved behind him with my short sword in my hand. A quick jab and he exhaled slowly. His weight was now hanging on my blade imbedded in the back of his skull. I pulled out a spool of heavy fishing line and looped a short piece around his neck. I tied it off to the bars on both sides. Then I pulled my blade free. He now hung from the fishing line like a puppet. I then leaned forward to look out the little window. There were three other men out there. One of them was headed down the tunnel that I had just left. I moved like my ass was on fire. I ...