1. Retired - Chapter Four – Battle in the dark

    Date: 10/27/2015, Categories: Science-Fiction, Author: Brootforce, Source: sexstories.com

    ... made it to the door before he got there. Then I waited. I would have a split second to react. I pulled a throwing spike and cocked my arm. He stepped into view and my arm flashed forward. The aim was perfect. The spike went in just under his ear and he slowly folded to the ground. I dragged him into the tunnel and tried to pull my spike out. It was no good -- I threw it too hard and he would now be buried with it. I moved back out into the main tunnel, and moved to the other side so I could see onto the platform. Both men stood there and watched the car. It was almost ten minutes before one of them got curious about where the other man had gone. He stepped out to look down the tunnel. “Franz, are you down there?” I made a light moaning sound as if I were in pain. The man started to move towards me. “Davey, something is wrong with Pete. I think he is dead.” The man coming towards me turned to look back to the platform where his friend had called out to him. My throwing spike was in his brain before he could speak. I watched the man slide to the floor. Then I moved up the tunnel and towards the platform. I would have just a split second again. The last man stepped around the edge of the wall to look for his friends. His eye sprouted a throwing spike instantly. The last of the four fell off the platform as the life left his body. I managed to retrieve these two throwing spikes. I then moved over to the car we had brought in with us. I had not brought any explosives with me so ...
    ... I was going to have to get creative. Then I got a smile of pure evil on my face. All cars had a homing system. All I had to do is activate the one on their car and it would return to its home location. I used one of my vibe knives to poke a hole through the firewall into the engine compartment. Then I strung a piece of fishing line through it and tied it to the elevation controls. If you trapped a hover car under a ceiling and put the elevators on full force, it would overheat in seconds. Once it overheated, the engine would go into shutdown mode. If I removed the safety system it would go into thermal avalanche. Thermal avalanche led to an explosion. Then I loaded the four dead bodies into the car. I tied the end of the string to the body in the driver’s seat. If they opened the door, the body would fall out, and the car it would go into full climb mode. This was not a rental car. It had to have been brought with them on the jump shuttle. I reached in and hit the homing system. Then I shut the door and backed up. The car rose smoothly and started down the tunnel towards the entrance. I then moved over to the car they left behind. I repeated the process to rig it to explode. Then I tied the string to the inside of the door. This one was rigged for the opening of the door. I hacked the vehicle and started it. Then I left it running as I walked away. Twenty minutes later, I saw another car moving slowly down the tunnels, using a search light to look down the side tunnels. I ...