1. Retired - Chapter Four – Battle in the dark

    Date: 10/27/2015, Categories: Science-Fiction, Author: Brootforce, Source: sexstories.com

    ... standing next to the emperor. In that picture, I wore the rank I had achieved before I retired. Lizell looked up at me and back at the picture. “You were the Supreme Marshal?” “It was an honorary title. Technically the Supreme Marshal position only exists during a time of full war and that person is in absolute command of the military, second only to the Emperor. He put the pins on me and told me when war broke out I would assume my new duties. Until then I would act as the Grand Marshal of the Praetorian Guard.” “That is not the way I heard it,” Momma Kita said, with a smile. “I heard that he put all the military under your command and told you to run it.” “Who told you that outrageous lie?”, I said with a smile. “An angel,” Momma Kita answered. In my ear the beeps started again. This time it was five cycles of three beeps. The last of the customers had gone home and the doors were shut again. It was a couple hours before dawn and I stood on the roof, looking through a pair of binoculars. There were now two more jump shuttles at the space port. I watched as they removed the hovercars from the cargo bay and reset the homing beacons. That trick would not work again. Then I saw something that made me growl. A group of men came out of one of the shuttles, and in their midst walked a woman. It was the Grand Duchess Daria. I would know that bitch in the dark. In my ear the beeps started again. This time it was twenty cycles of two beeps. I had to ground those shuttles. I would see this lady in chains before this was over.