1. Retired - Chapter Four – Battle in the dark

    Date: 10/27/2015, Categories: Science-Fiction, Author: Brootforce, Source: sexstories.com

    ... was a sporting goods shop. I climbed out and moved to the end of the alley. There was a car at the far end of the street with two men leaning against it. They were facing away from me, and I slipped across the street unnoticed. I moved to the back of the store and broke in. The first thing I did was grab a hover cart and power it up. Then I moved to the tools area and grabbed a tape measure. The cart would fit down the hatch. I started to pile the cart high with food items, camping gear, a battery-operated stove, and some extra batteries. Then some small propane tanks went in the cart. Then I headed for the ammo area. I started to load up on rounds that would fit my weapons. Then I noticed a spot of luck. This had to be the only shop on the planet that carried black powder. I threw several cans in the cart. Then I moved to the fishing gear and gathered several large spools of line. I shortly had a cart full of enough food and gear to keep us going for a couple weeks. I moved to the back door and peeked out. That damn car was sitting right at the end of the alley. Both men were standing there and talking. I heard snippets of their conversation. “Jax, you are just strange. Why did you have to kill that woman?” “I thought she was good, so I didn’t want anyone else to enjoy her.” “That is bullshit! You just get off on the killing. Besides, she couldn’t have been good -- you were raping her.” My anger boiled up and I raised my weapon. “You’re right. She really wasn’t that good. ...
    ... Maybe we can find another one wandering the streets.” “We need to keep our mind on our job. The duchess is going to be pissed if we don’t kill this bastard before we have to leave. The imperial forces will be headed this way as soon as they realize the planet is off the communications grid.” “That doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy ourselves while we are here. How often do you get a chance to rape someone?” I was seeing red, I aimed very carefully and started to squeeze the trigger. Then my mind cleared. If I killed these two, they would be missed. If they died this close to the access hatch, our hiding place might be given away. I gave a light growl and started to lower my weapon. I watched and engraved their appearance in my mind. A few minutes later, they got into the car and drove off. I pushed the cart out into the alley and looked across the street. The car was now a couple hundred yards down the street. The men had not exited the vehicle yet, so I dashed across the street and into the alley. I quickly opened the access hatch and pushed the hover cart over the top of it. As the cart sank into the tunnels I entered and climbed down the ladder, shutting the hatch behind me. I was about a hundred feet up the tunnel from our hiding place when I saw the light, from our lamp and heater, go out. I froze and listened. There was the sound of a motor in the tunnels. I moved to the shadows and waited. Soon there was a bright light shining down the tunnel. They were searching the tunnels ...