1. Retired - Chapter Four – Battle in the dark

    Date: 10/27/2015, Categories: Science-Fiction, Author: Brootforce, Source: sexstories.com

    My eyes snapped open early in the morning hours. I was spooned against Lizell’s back, and sometime in the night we had stripped down to our underwear. I had a real problem. The end of my dream had left me in a condition that could be a serious embarrassment if Lizell woke up. I started to move and her voice whispered out of the dark. “Who is Pralla?” “She was my commanding officer in the Praetorian Guard.” “She must have been one hell of a commanding officer,” Lizell said, as her legs squeezed the evidence between them. “We were very good friends. We helped each other when we needed it.” Lizell rolled her head to look at me. I could just see her eyes in the light of the heater unit. “What are we going to do, Drake? We are trapped on a planet with people trying to kill us. Then you bring us to where most of those people are located.” “We are going to get to the spaceport and commandeer a shuttle. Then I will get you somewhere safe.” “Where is safe? A jump shuttle can’t get out of the system. They also aren’t armed.” “I don’t know. I am stuck. If we wait for help to arrive it could be weeks. Any way I think of to get you out has flaws.” “You could get yourself out if not for me, couldn’t you?” “Yes.” “Then why are you protecting me?” “Because, you are an innocent in this. Your life is threatened because of me.” “I think you have that backwards. Your life would not be threatened if it wasn’t for me.” I shook my head. “This is too well planned. You were set up to find the ...
    ... information. They needed you to lead them to me.” “How did they know I would find you?” “They didn’t. They gambled.” Lizell sat up and turned the lamp on. “What kind of equipment do you have in those bags?” “A little of this, a little of that.” “Do you have a sniper rifle?” “A couple, why?” “Can you teach me to use it?” “I could teach you to shoot the wings off a fly.” “Good, there is an old hanger at the space port. I saw inside it when we landed. There is an old star yacht inside the hanger. If we can commandeer it, we have a way out.” “What is your plan?” “You get me to the top of the communications tower. I will cover you until you get to the yacht. Then you swing by and pick me up and we run like hell.” “What kind of star yacht is it?” “It is one of the big old ones, with the side masts.” “Those came standard with jump radios. If we get to it I can call for help. Let me do some scouting, and I will see what we can do. What do you want for breakfast?” “Food would be nice.” “Stay put, and stay down. If I am not back inside an hour, hunker down and try to survive until help arrives.” “If you are not back in two hours, I am coming to look for you.” I left her and headed off in another direction. It was dark down here, but the occasional vent gave some light. I found an access after a few minutes and headed up. When I lifted the hatch I noticed the streets were still empty. I had hit the jackpot though, if I could make it there unobserved. Directly across the street from the alley ...