1. Retired - Chapter Four – Battle in the dark

    Date: 10/27/2015, Categories: Science-Fiction, Author: Brootforce, Source: sexstories.com

    ... mine until the end of our days. We rose and fell together several times. Our bodies remained entwined. She coaxed from me something no other woman had. I had three orgasms myself before I fell exhausted. I had not gone soft between. We fell asleep with her still on my chest. My eyes opened an hour later. My smile came unbidden to my lips. The bob implanted in my ear beeped three times, then fell silent. One minute later it, beeped three times and fell silent again. This repeated ten times. I reached up and rubbed her back as she lay on top of me. When her eyes opened she smiled. “You are still inside me and I don’t think it would take much to get you going again.” “I think you promised me lunch, my love.” At my words her eyes grew wide and vulnerable. Then she lay her head on my chest and I felt the tears fall to mingle on the skin there. “Did I say something wrong?” “No,” she answered in a choked whisper. “You said something I never expected to hear from you. I love you, too.” I wrapped my arms around her and held her to my chest. I held her tight as she wept softly on my chest. “It is time to get up, you lazy lout. I have to feed you so you can get us out of this mess I made.” She sat up and moved towards the heater unit. Then she checked the pot she had on it. “It doesn’t look like it overcooked too badly. Get a couple of the bowls and we can eat some stew.” As we ate, we talked softly. “What was that explosion I heard earlier?”, she asked softly. “Some of the men had a ...
    ... real blowout on one of the platforms. They are now really badly hung over.” She dropped that subject quickly. She was pretty sure she did not want to know what they were hanging over. “Are we going to try and get to the star yacht?” “No, I think they have the spaceport really well-covered. We are going to hang tight for a while and see what develops.” “That does not sound like you, Drake. Through this whole thing you have been proactive, and now you want to change to reaction mode.” “I have my reasons.” As I spoke, the bob in my ear started beeping again. It was nine cycles of three beeps at one minute intervals. “I am going to do a little more scouting. Maybe I can find a way to get to a safer and more comfortable place.” “Stay safe, please.” The words sank into me. She was very worried about our chances of getting out of this. My worry had dissipated with those beeps. “We are going to make it, Lizell. We have an Angel on our side and all we have to do is let her protect us.” “What has happened? You have had a huge reversal in attitude all of a sudden.” “Let’s just say an Angel sang to me and gave me a sign. That sign was a very good one.” I moved towards the pile of rubble that protected us. As I squirmed through, I froze in my tracks. “Do you think there is anything on the other side of it?”, a voice said out of the darkness ahead. “I don’t know, but if we don’t check, the duchess will have us strung up. Get on the com-web and get a blasting crew down here. We will blow a ...