1. Beth and Reid - Chapter Two

    Date: 9/24/2015, Categories: BDSM Author: braided2degraded, Source: LushStories

    ... suit from the office. She couldn’t help but admire how the charcoal fabric clung snugly around his broad shoulders. She always thought he looked sexy as hell in a suit. ‘I closed the deal on the new Rachet & Lews building! Woohoo!’ He raised both hands above his head in silent cheer. A commercial real estate broker, Reid had sold many inner city office blocks and was an in-demand agent, many wealthy companies such as law firms and government seeking him out to broker new deals on inner city spaces. ‘Good for you baby!’ Beth smiled and wrapped her arms around his neck, planting a firm kiss on his lips, knowing how proud he would be of himself since he had been working the deal for months. ‘I guess you deserve a half day for that.’ Beth smiled again, breaking off their kiss. She glanced down and saw that she had rubbed sawdust on his dark suit. ‘Shit, sorry,’ she began to pat at the marks but only succeeded in rubbing more on him. ‘Maybe I should just go and take a shower,’ she conceded. She turned to leave the studio, expecting Reid to follow her but a firm hand on her arm stopped her. She turned back to him. ‘Not just yet,’ he stated. His earlier exuberance had been quelled and she recognised the look in his eye. There was now something about the way he looked at her, the way the timbre of his voice dropped slightly, that let Beth know he was no longer Reid her husband, but Reid her Dom. She felt her heart begin to beat faster. Reid let her arm go and stepped a few paces ...
    ... away, glancing down at his dust smeared jacket and taking it off slowly. Beth stood still, not quite knowing what to do as this was the first time Reid had stepped into the Dom role outside of the bedroom. She couldn’t help but look at his arms through the thin cotton of his business shirt as he hung the jacket over the back of a nearby chair. Without looking at her he unbuttoned the sleeves of his shirt and began to roll them up his muscular forearms. ‘Take off your clothes.’ ‘What? But…’ He raised his head to look at her and the look in his eyes silenced her protests. It was clear Reid was becoming more confident in his role. With slightly trembling hands Beth began to undress. She had been wearing an old button up shirt and a pair of denim shorts, the usual sort of thing she wore for messy studio work. As she began to undo the buttons Reid pulled the chair with his jacket on it over to face Beth. He sat on the chair before her, about six feet away and watched in silence as she undressed for him. She had no bra on underneath her shirt and her breasts were unveiled for him, nipples already pert and waiting. She undid the fly of her shorts and let them fall to the floor, stepping out of them and kicking them to the side. She paused then, her hands at the thin elastic waistband of her underwear. Reid said nothing but watched her like a hawk, his expression dark and unreadable. She pulled at the thin material and let them drop to the floor, her body now bared to the silent man ...