1. Beth and Reid - Chapter Two

    Date: 9/24/2015, Categories: BDSM Author: braided2degraded, Source: LushStories

    ... normal. Beth decided it was time to study more on the theory and not just the practical elements of her situation. ~ After receiving a text of web addresses from Ally only a short time later, along with a string of emoji’s of winking, clapping, fireworks and numerous other pictograms Beth was unable to decipher, she had spent a good two hours reading up on the BDSM culture and felt much better about herself. If anything she felt slightly empowered, knowing that she had embraced her sexuality but was still a strong, intelligent and willful woman that had enough confidence in herself to explore her own sexual boundaries. Beth had come to the decision that people’s sexual desires were just as individual as their preference for coffee or the way they like their steak cooked. Some people liked it medium-rare, while others liked it tied up and gagged. It was just another human quirk. With her new-found confidence and knowledge she had headed out to her studio to work, feeling a little guilty that she had wasted most of the working day drinking coffee and searching the internet. While she rented a studio space for her art and décor business in the industrial district closer to town she also had a personal studio at home that she could work in. Her large suburban home sat on a half-acre of land and down along the back fence an old word-working shed had been converted into her studio space. She had finished university years ago with a Bachelor of Visual Arts and so had always ...
    ... sketched, painted and sculpted, but it was only since her up-cycled décor and furniture pieces had become popular that she was now able to make money from her art. In the intervening years she had taught art classes at the community centre and while she still dabbled in the fine arts she now focused on her furniture, knowing she had many waiting clients to purchase her pieces online. With her son at school for the day and her daughter at day-care, Beth plugged in her ear buds and cranked some of her favourite tunes, picking up some sand paper to begin sanding an old dresser she had picked up at a garage sale that week, finding a calming Zen in the touch and feel of creating a piece of art. She had been working solidly for about an hour when a hand on her shoulder made her jump and scream in fright. ‘Ahhh!’ she brandished the dust brush she had been holding defensively but only turned to see Reid standing behind her, hands held up placating. She pulled the ear buds from her ears. ‘Jesus Christ, Reid, you scared the shit out of me!’ she put down the brush and bent to press pause on her phone. ‘I did call your name, quite a number of times actually,’ he defended. ‘It’s not my fault if you are blaring…’ he glanced at her phone and repressed a smirk, ‘Cindy Lauper into your ears.’ ‘Yeah, yeah laugh it up. I’ve seen your playlist too Mr Little River Band,’ Beth joked. She looked at her watch, it was only just passed one, ‘what are you doing home so early?’ Reid was still dressed in his ...