1. Beth and Reid - Chapter Two

    Date: 9/24/2015, Categories: BDSM Author: braided2degraded, Source: LushStories

    ... when?’ Beth asked, her surprise now turning to curiosity. They had often girl-talked about sex but this had never come up. ‘Since forever I guess. Though there was one man in particular that really made me realise what I liked. That’s called a Dom by the way, a dominant. I never mentioned it because I was unsure what you would think. Silly me! Think of all the entertaining conversations we could have had!’ She drained the dregs of her coffee and looked at her friend frankly. ‘So to sum up. Unless I’m mistaken you and Reid have begun traversing the muddy yet titillating waters of BDSM and you’re having all these weird, sexy, guilty, dirty thoughts that feel incredible but at the same time make you wonder in you’re not quite right in the head?’ Beth had to close her mouth which was hanging open partially. ‘Ah, yeah, actually. That pretty much sums it up… I guess.’ Ally smiled at her friend, not in humour this time but in knowing love. ‘Good for you, babe. Knowing yourself sexually is one of the most important things someone can do for themselves to have a fulfilling and healthy life. Though there is some advice I will give you,’ she quickly became business-like. ‘The first thing I will tell you is that a little knowledge goes a long way. I suggest reading up on the culture and not through trashy novels. I know some good websites that you can read up on, I’ll send you the links, you’ll be surprised how many of us are out there. Secondly,’ she held up her hand and continued ...
    ... ticking things off her mental list, ‘you need to know that the BDSM community has a mantra of ‘safe, sane and consensual’ which for a smart girl like you is pretty self-explanatory. As long as you and Reid are being safe and you both are fully aware of boundaries and limits and the what-not then you should be fine.’ She dropped her hand and reached across the table to take Beth’s in hers. ‘And lastly know that I am here to talk to you about any questions or worries you might have,’ a mischievous glint twinkled in her eye, ‘or just to give me all the juicy details.’ Beth pulled her hand out of Ally’s, bringing it up to her flushed face but feeling a warmth swell in her chest knowing that she wasn’t weird or abnormal and that someone so close to her not only accepted her but also experienced much of it herself. Ally got out her phone and started typing but swore in alarm. ‘Shit! Is that the time? Bugger, I’m gonna be late for my A & P lecture,’ she stood up from her chair, ducking to kiss Beth’s hot cheek. ‘Can you get the coffees this time? My shout next time.’ She grabbed her bag from the spare chair and began to make her way to the door. She paused halfway through the café and turned back, ‘I’ll message you the links to those websites, ok?’ she yelled over half a dozen patrons. Beth nodded and waved, trying to make herself invisible to the other customers. The sudden departure of her friend left Beth full of questions but with a somewhat calmed conscience. She was fine. She was ...