1. Beth and Reid - Chapter Two

    Date: 9/24/2015, Categories: BDSM Author: braided2degraded, Source: LushStories

    ... ‘oh fuck! Please let me come, Sir!’ ‘Come for me, bitch!’ He demanded. As soon as the words left his lips Beth’s orgasm exploded within her, an animalistic groan ripping from her throat and her teeth biting relentlessly into the leather in her mouth. Her body bucked and rocked with the strength of her climax and only seconds later she felt Reid thrust deep, coming hard inside her and pulling firmly on the belt strap, his own groan of release one of ecstasy and fulfillment. It was a few moments later, Beth’s pussy still spasming erratically around Reid’s cock, that she came back to herself. She became aware of the uncomfortable pinching in the corners of her mouth and of the still throbbing ache in her backside. She reached up weak arms and pulled the blindfold from her eyes, the bright sun shining through a nearby window making her squint. She had almost forgotten it was still early afternoon. Reid pulled out from her and sat heavily in the chair before the dresser, spent and breathing raggedly. Beth reached behind her head and undid the belt, wriggling her lips to get some feeling back into them. She turned around and took in the sight of Reid. Shirt mostly unbuttoned, pants loose around his hips, cock still pulsing lightly in time with his ...
    ... decreasing heartbeat. But he looked good, tired but good. Beth took a moment to look at her own body. She could see her nipple was an angry shade of red from the pliers, light bruises already appearing, and running her hands lightly over her buttocks she could feel the heat radiating from them. She returned her gaze to Reid and found him watching her in silent scrutiny. She blushed, she couldn’t help it. It was hard to be nonchalant knowing what they had just done in the light of day. She wordlessly handed him back his tie and belt, noting his raised eyebrow at the teeth marks embedded in the fine leather. He took them from her but grabbed her outstretched hand, pulling her into his lap gently, aware of her tender ass. He nestled his face into the hollow of her neck and shoulder and hugged her tight. Beth instinctively hugged him back and they sat there for a long time, just holding each other, reaffirming their love. Beth knew that they had crossed another boundary today, and yet again delved to new depths in their relationship. ‘You called me, Sir.’ Reid murmured quietly. ‘Yeah...I guess I did.’ Beth replied, remembering how the title had simply slipped from her lips but that it had felt so right. She knew that it would not be the last time either. 