1. Beth and Reid - Chapter Two

    Date: 9/24/2015, Categories: BDSM Author: braided2degraded, Source: LushStories

    ... finished. Ally was studying as a med student and had strong opinions on women’s rights, both at home and in the workplace. Beth worried that telling her about her new BDSM tendencies would have her storming out of the coffee shop in disgust. ‘Don’t get me wrong, I may have flicked the bean once or twice over it but it was trash through and through,’ Ally shrugged, ‘I’ll probs still go and see the movie though.’ she finished, surprising Beth and picking up her coffee again. Beth sat up a little straighter in her chair. ‘So you don’t think all the sex stuff was weird and violent?’ Beth queried. ‘Pfft! It was tame! If you want to read some kinky shit read The Story of O , that chick makes Anastasia Steel look like a pussy, and not the good type,’ she offered. She grinned at the surprised expression on Beth’s face and at her own witty comment. Though a sly look quickly came into her eyes. ‘Getting back to the main point, why do you ask?’ ‘I, uh…I just wondered what you thought of it?’ she was surprised that Ally not only had read the book but obviously knew something of the subject matter. Beth mentally filed away the title The Story of O for a later date. ‘There are a lot of people out there that say that it’s abusive to women. I figured you would be one of them?’ Beth continued. Ally’s face became quite serious and she put down her cup of coffee. ‘I get the feeling that your hedging around something here but I need you to say it first,’ she stated, her expression serious but ...
    ... also expectant. Beth glanced around the coffee shop. It was mid-morning after the breakfast rush and there were only a handful of other customers, all out of ear shot. ‘I think I may be a… a masochist? Or a Sub? I’m not one hundred percent on the lingo,’ she revealed almost in a whisper, waiting to see the look of horror and disgust on her best friend’s face. Instead Ally’s shoulders began to bounce with unexpected mirth. She was laughing at her! Beth felt her face flame with heat and bent to pick up her handbag, mumbling some kind of excuse to leave, but Ally placed a hand on her stopping her. ‘Oh calm down. Sit, sit.’ Ally took a deep breath and composed herself, even going so far as to do that thing that actors sometimes do when they get the giggles by quickly swiping her palm across her face, stopping the laughter. ‘I’m sorry for laughing. I just never expected this from you.’ ‘Look it’s fine, don’t worry, I just…’ Beth stammered. ‘Oh stop it!’ Ally gave her an arch look, ‘who better to talk to you about this than a fellow sub?’ she added with a playful smile. Beth was shocked and for a moment worried that Ally was having her on. But her friend just sat sipping at her coffee, smiling expectantly as Beth soaked in the information. ‘So you’re a…?’ ‘A submissive, a masochist, a dirty dirty whore, take your pick,’ she replied matter-of-factly. Beth glanced around nervously hoping that the elderly couple sitting a few seats away had their hearing aids turned down low. ‘Since ...