1. Beth and Reid - Chapter Two

    Date: 9/24/2015, Categories: BDSM Author: braided2degraded, Source: LushStories

    ... other breast, kneading the heavy pliable flesh and tweaking the nipple as well, adding more delight to Beth’s senses. His hand moved from her breast and traveled up to her throat and enclosed it lightly in is sure grip. He leaned in to kiss her and Beth instinctively leaned in to return the kiss but Reid’s hand stopped her, holding her firmly in place while he slid his tongue into her mouth. He let the kiss deepen and began to increase the pressure around Beth’s throat, at first gently but then more and more until Beth found it difficult to draw breath. He continued kissing her for a few heartbeats more and then released her throat, Beth drawing in a shuddering breath. He lent back from her, hand lightly resting on the hollow of her neck and examined Beth. She drew in a few deep breaths but otherwise made no comment or movement and Reid again lent in to kiss her, the pressure returning to her throat, though this time he constricted her airway for a heartbeat longer. During her morning of study, Beth had read up on asphyxiation as a BDSM tool and had thought that it sounded a little dangerous and that she wouldn’t like it if Reid tried it on her, though she was now reassessing these thoughts. While he held her still she found it difficult to breathe for a second or two, but Reid released her before she felt any kind of distress or panic, somehow knowing instinctively when she wanted to be let go. Beth was surprised at herself at how much she was enjoying his strong hand ...
    ... around her fragile neck, and she knew that it was because of the love and trust they shared as husband and wife. She knew he would never hurt her and letting him control her breath felt like the ultimate form of trust between them. His control over her body was something she was enjoying more and more and again felt that odd peacefulness she had previously, knowing that Reid could do what he wanted with her and she would submit willingly. He squeezed her throat one more time, again holding for a split second longer, before releasing her and standing back suddenly, removing his hands and the pliers from her nipple. Beth cried out at the sudden absence of his body and at the blood that now rushed painfully back to her swollen nipple. She rode the wave of the pain, a keening moan issuing from between her lips and rested a little heavier on the dresser behind her. She could not hear Reid but she sensed his presence not far away. The pain in her nipple subsided and her breathing returned to normal. The sound of Reid’s voice made her jump slightly and she again became aware of her nakedness before him, yet she resisted the urge to cover herself. ‘Did you like the way I touched you just now?’ he asked softly. Beth did not trust herself to speak but nodded her head in ascent, ‘let’s see just how much you enjoyed my hands on you,' without warning Beth felt one of Reid’s hands roughly spread her thighs and come into contact with the moist slickness nestled there, ‘my God you are so fucking ...