1. Beth and Reid - Chapter Two

    Date: 9/24/2015, Categories: BDSM Author: braided2degraded, Source: LushStories

    ... before her. She felt vulnerable and naked. The room felt too large, too bright, too exposed. Without realising it her hands and arms had crept to cover her sex and her breasts. ‘Place your hands by your side,’ Reid’s voice snapped, sounding too loud in the empty studio. Beth’s hands quickly fell to her sides, more out of shock than out of following his order. Reid continued his silent scrutiny and Beth suppressed a shudder. She had never been shy about her appearance. She had always had good self-esteem, yet she knew that years and childbirth had changed her. Her large breasts were not quite as firm as they once were and her body was not as taut as it had once been. It didn’t bother her very often but right now under Reid’s blatant stare she felt imperfect and flawed. ‘You are so beautiful,’ he almost whispered, as if reading her very thoughts. As if to confirm his comment he stood and walked slowly over to Beth and she could see his cock straining against the fabric of his trousers. He reached her and took her face in his hands, cradling her head and kissing her lightly on the lips, the roughness of his beard contrasting with the softness of his lips, soothing Beth’s jangled nerves and stoking the fire she knew lay just below the surface. He stepped backed, seeing in Beth’s expression and in the relaxation of her muscles that she was ready to continue. He reached up and began to undo the tie at his neck. It was a lovely blue silk one that she had bought for him a while back ...
    ... and he now took it off, undoing several top buttons of his shirt as well. Without asking for permission he brought the tie, still warm from his skin and smelling of his cologne, up to Beth’s eyes and blindfolded her, swiftly tying the ends behind her head. Beth’s breathing increased as the room was plunged into darkness, blocking out everything. She had the strange sensation of feeling relieved, which she also found odd as she was still naked, and Reid could still see her, but she felt more confident. She stood up straighter, pushing her breasts out to lightly brush the front of Reid’s chest. She heard a light ‘tsk’ and felt Reid move away. She heard him move around the room, the clipped steps of his black dress shoes loud in the quiet space. She heard some rustling and moving of objects and realised he was looking through her toolbox. It held numerous tools and materials that she used to remake furniture and art and she wondered what he was getting. She heard his steps return and felt the warmth of his closeness. Without warning she felt a hand to her left breast and jumped slightly. Reid gave her a moment to adjust to his touch and caressed her breast, feeling the warmth and weight of it in his hand. Beth moaned slightly and her head lolled back, enjoying his hand on her body. She sensed his other hand lift and felt something rough rasp against her sensitive nipple, causing her to intake her breath sharply, realising now that he held a piece of sand paper and was drawing it ...