1. ProfNigma Stories #5: If Wishes Were Hornets #2

    Date: 9/17/2015, Categories: Celebrities, Author: FrankSinner, Source: xHamster

    ... well." "Huh... I swear I've seen you on TV or something. Weird." She stared at him for a couple minutes, her eyes framed by thick rimmed glasses that looked really nerdy, but she looked impossibly cute. They walked by a couple more paintings before Spencer took a second to check out her ass. He immediately regretted it as she caught him, but gave him a sly smile. "So, Spencer, what brings you to Los Angeles?" "Two things actually. One, my little s*ster and her friends wanted to visit some friends who live in LA, but the main reason I'm here is the sculptor's contest." "No, shit? Me too!" she said, a bit too loudly. "I dropped off my submission this morning, and then I just decided to hang out here. Now, I'm kinda glad I did." Spencer gave her a smile. "Me, too actually. I was just-" He lost his train of thought as his phone went off in his pocket. It was a text from Carly letting him know where they were eating lunch, "Sorry, text from my s*ster. They are getting lunch at some outdoor café downtown. Wanted to see if I wanted to meet them." "I think I know the place actually," Amy said, looking at her own phone. "It's an okay place, I guess... if you want lunch, you should come with me. I think I know just the place. Sushi joint called Nozu." Spencer was unsure about this girl. She had gone from a complete stranger to wanting to have lunch with him way too quickly. And yet, there was something really familiar about her that he couldn't put his finger on. "Sure, Amy... sounds ...
    ... great." "Awesome… I’ll drive." "I could just follow-" "Not a chance Spencer, you couldn't keep up with me in this..." she stopped short and stared at Spencer for what seemed like minutes, but was really seconds as she shouted. "Oh, shit... are you one of the people from iCarly?" "Ummm... kinda, I just help my s*ster out every so often. I didn't realize people actually watched it in this area." "Are you k*dding?! I love that show. I found it while I was in college and just became a huge fan. I know it’s corny and dorky and no 25 year old has any business watching that stuff but seriously... this is really cool. I've met celebrities but this feels like a really rare opportunity. That seals it... I'm driving to and buying lunch." Spencer had seen some pretty crazy fan-girls of the show, but he never expected a situation like this, with a girl who looked like this. "You don't need to do that Amy... I can get my own lunch. I'm not some celebrity, I'm just a guy from Seattle who has a really smart and talented s*ster with some good friends." "You make it sound like you're nothing. Clearly you're an artist if you were invited to submit to this place." "You're one to talk, Amy. You have something here too. We're competing against each other, you know." "Yeah, but the art thing is just kind of a side project. I have a... job, and my social life keeps me busy. I worked on my sculpture off and on for like 3 years." "Pretty sure you just proved my point..." The two shared a couple laughs ...