1. ProfNigma Stories #5: If Wishes Were Hornets #2

    Date: 9/17/2015, Categories: Celebrities, Author: FrankSinner, Source: xHamster

    ... anything that bats an eye won't you?" "Sam… I told you I don't want to talk about her or last night. You want to talk about you and me, that's fine, but I got enough on my mind with Jade," Freddie jumped for a moment as he felt a vibration in his pocket. "Let's just do a roll call of all the girls you have fucked just for being around- Me first, of course, not that it seems to matter to you. Obviously, Jade, and honestly, over the summer it was fine, but whatever. Add Carly to that, who went from good girl virgin to sex fiend, to a lesbian, and now she's all wrapped up in fairy tale crap. I haven't figured out a way to blame you for that yet, but I'm pretty sure you're connected. My gay s*ster is another one. Oh, we can't forget that little redhead friend of Jade's who is also pretty gay. Face it, Freddie, whenever you are in the same room as a girl, you're likely to screw them. And even with all that, I'm still crazy about you." "You're right..." "Fuckin' A, I'm right, Benson." "Look, I made a mistake with you. And her honestly. I know you dumped me because you thought I was better off leaving you behind and you were wrong but I went along with it. I broke up with her because I wasn't sure who I should be with. I'm still not. I mean, think about it, every minute of every day we choose. Who we are. Who we forgive. Who we defend and protect. To choose a side or to walk the line. To play the middle. To straddle the fence between what is and what should be. That's what I was ...
    ... doing, Sam. Trying to find the delicate balance of interests that can never exist. Choosing by not choosing. Defending a center which cannot hold. So here we are. I can see myself spending the rest of my life with you just as easily as spending it with her." "That still doesn't answer why you would feel that way and then crawl into bed with her." "I know. Thus the reason I'm feeling the way I am. I have everything I could want with Jade, but I can't enjoy it because I'm thinking about you. And same applies when we had our night together, I thought about Jade afterwards." "Well, I will make this easy, Fredward. You can-" "Sam, I don't really want your blessing on this, it won't change anything, no matter how much freedom I'm allowed, my compass is still going to point to both of you." "You didn't let me finish..." she said, her teeth beginning to grit. "I was going to say that you can go fuck yourself, you self-righteous asshole. You clearly made a choice so you can live with it. I'm done." Freddie was a bit stunned as Sam walked out, shutting his bedroom door loudly. Freddie took a deep sigh as he sat on his bed and checked his phone to see a text from Jade. -Where the fuck are you? Sneaking out was pretty shitty. Well, this can't get much worse, he thought looking at the flashing clock on the bedside table. "JUST SO EVERYONE IS AWARE, FREDDIE AND JADE FUCKED LAST NIGHT!" "Yeah... that would do it," he said to no one in particular. * * * Needless to say that breakfast was ...