1. ProfNigma Stories #5: If Wishes Were Hornets #2

    Date: 9/17/2015, Categories: Celebrities, Author: FrankSinner, Source: xHamster

    ... awkward for all those involved. Freddie and Jade's secret romance was now out in the open and they couldn't help but feel a lot of shame, regret, and anger towards Sam Puckett. Sam was already over the two of them apparently and was now upset that there was no bacon in the house and they were all just eating fruit and toast. Spencer tried to be as adult as possible, making sure not to mention it, but Freddie could feel his eyes on him every so often. After they finished, Spencer headed off to his room for a few moments before coming back down, dressed to go out. "I gotta go drop my sculpture off at the museum or else it won't get judged for that art contest next week." He thought one of them would want to get out of the house and come with him, given all the tension, but no one volunteered. He kissed Carly on the head, snapping her out of her stupor as she read at the table, before heading out the door. Gibby kept looking over at Freddie and then back over at Jade, giving them both weird looks, but switching to congratulatory winking and giving thumbs up whenever he was just looking at Freddie. Jade went to go do the dishes and Freddie offered to help her, but she just shot him an angry look before shaking her head and encouraging the four teens to hang out in the den to watch some TV. Carly stayed at the table reading on her Pear-reader while Gibby helped Jade with the dishes. Sam flopped down on the sofa and flipped through the channels while Freddie just looked over at ...
    ... her. When he would look at her too long, she'd flip him off and his attention would return to whatever was on as she channel surfed. The awkward tension was so thick, a knife could cut through it. Finally, Jade exited the kitchen with Gibby and sat down next to Freddie, not making eye contact, but reaching to hold his hand tightly. She might have been trying to send some sort of Morse code the way she was gripping his hand on and off, but Freddie didn't follow the message. For several minutes, all of them sat in utter silence, the only sound coming from Jade's big television, Jade's phone started buzzing, interrupting the silence and she quickly checked it and announced that a bunch of people were meeting for lunch in a bit and they should come too. Everyone seemed fine with the idea, and one by one they all disappeared up to their bedrooms to prepare for going out and grabbing showers until finally Freddie and Jade were alone. "I'm really sorry about Sam." "I'm less mad at you about that than I am the fact that you left me this morning. I went to sl*ep thinking I wouldn't be waking up alone this morning, so I was hurt. Why did you leave?" Freddie sighed deeply, "I just didn't want people to get the wrong idea if we came out together. It was dumb, I know." "It's whatever, Freddie," she said as her eyes were glued to the TV. "I love you but you've got some really serious shit going on especially with her. I think you should work things out with her, but I know you won't and she ...