1. ProfNigma Stories #5: If Wishes Were Hornets #2

    Date: 9/17/2015, Categories: Celebrities, Author: FrankSinner, Source: xHamster

    ... as they headed toward the stairs and to her car. Somehow, Spencer wasn't surprised that she drove a VW Beetle, but was pleasantly surprised to see that it was full of weird knick-knacks from a bunch of shows and movies, most of which he knew about but had never seen. "Sorry about the mess... I am a real slob," she said, throwing a pile of stuff from the passenger seat into the back. "It's all good. The only reason my vehicle's clean is because it belongs to a buddy of mine." As he sat down, he saw a weird picture for half a second, but shook the idea out of his head as he buckled in, looking over at her. Amy swapped her glasses for sunglasses and pulled out of the museum lot and into the city traffic, driving erratically through the thick LA traffic. * * * When Jade had called it an outdoor cafe, what she really meant was that it was a glorified coffee shop with most of the seating outdoors. Freddie didn't want to be a snob and mention that Seattle was the real place to get coffee, but he shrugged it off since Jade liked to think she knew best, and when she was happy, she let him have sex with her. Which was nice. Jade and the iCarly gang arrived last to the hangout, and raced to the big table where they saw the whole gang from Hollywood Arts and the camp, plus Andre and this buff new guy. "About time you got here, West..." Tori said, punctuating her name hard and giving her a smile as if she was being insulting, but it just wasn't in Tori's skillset to be mean. "Oh, Ah'm ...
    ... little Miss Tori Vey-gah, and Ah'm just the most punctual thang," Jade said mocking Tori in her signature voice. The two girls exchanged a glance as Freddie and Sam took seats at the table, with Gibby and Carly between them for obvious reasons. Jade sat next to Freddie, next to Tori who was sitting close to Nate, who had his arm d****d over her. Trina sat next to her s*ster's boyfriend, with Robbie and Andre sitting on her other side, with Beck and Cat rounding the circle next to Sam. Everyone shared their hello's while a barista came by and took their order of baked goods and flavored coffees. Seeing that he was clearly the new guy, Freddie tried to hit up Nate to get to know him, but Nate was a bit intimidating. And for some reason, Freddie's brain was screaming not to make any "you're the boyfriend of my girlfriend's girlfriend" jokes, even though he had no idea how to even make that joke. Finally, he just settled on, "How's it going, man?" "Eh, it's alright, I s'pose. You?" "Yeah, going alright on my end, all things considered. So, you're kinda new to LA, right?" "I reckon so. My dad took me to Hollywood and some feature lots a couple times before we finally moved here." Freddie took a sip of his coffee. "Mmm... not bad," he said to no one in particular before kissing the back of Jade's head as she was in the middle of a conversation with Tori. "You were right about this place, babe." "Of course I was," she said, not even turning. "Yep," Nate chimed in, "damn fine cup of ...