1. ProfNigma Stories #5: If Wishes Were Hornets #2

    Date: 9/17/2015, Categories: Celebrities, Author: FrankSinner, Source: xHamster

    ... then another flight until finally they reached his office. Paperwork was a breeze for Spencer as he rapidly ran through the papers, and was surprised to see that there were going to runner up prizes. Second place wouldn't get the prize money but would still get to take the around the world trip. Third and fourth place just had a $5000 and $1000 dollar prize respectively. Spencer was on his way out of the door when Stevens stopped him. "Mr. Shay, as a gift for being a part of our event, here is a pass to our museum. It's good for five visits." "Or one visit for myself and four friends?" Spencer asked, smiling. Stevens stared at him, completely deadpan, before just saying, "Yes, Mr. Shay... though the idea that you have four friends would surprise me greatly." Spencer was unsure how to respond to that and just backed out of the office slowly. He ran down the stairs and put the wagon back in the camper. He had every intention of driving back to the West mansion, but the awkwardness from breakfast really got under his skin so he decided to stick around and check out the museum. It was a huge museum with three floors of exhibits, all of which were filled with art. He felt like he had walked through a mile of sculptures, which led to an even longer path of photographs, mostly black and white. Eventually, Spencer reached the third floor which was full of paintings of all shapes and sizes, showing every art form imaginable. Spencer took his time with these, really taking in the ...
    ... artistic vision being presented. He was staring at a picture of a pond when a woman walked up beside him, and also stared at the painting. Spencer tried not to look too much at her, but he certainly found her attractive, but he couldn't figure out why. She looked a little younger than him and was a bit shorter than him, with long dark brown hair and glasses. She was wearing a long brown sweater with a t-shirt and tight black pants. The two stood there for a few minutes, both not wanting to be the first to walk away, until finally she broke the silence. "So, how about this painting? Crazy, right?" "Yeah… it is certainly... something." He was clearly desperate to find the words to make him sound smart. "I like the colors, and the way the water looks really.... You know, watery." "I think it's the artist's best work, for sure, and the expression it certainly screams about the fragility of youth and nature." "Ok... I gotta be honest. I don't know anything about any of that... I'm just a guy who likes paintings." "Seriously? Thank fucking god…" she laughed. "I was seriously thinking you might know I was full of shit. It's a pretty picture though, for sure." The two shared a laugh and walked to the next picture, and after another short stint of silence, he offered his hand out. "I'm Spencer, by the way. Spencer Shay." "Amy. Rivers," she said softly. "But I think I actually know you from somewhere." "I doubt it... I have only been in LA for like a day. But you do seem a bit familiar as ...