1. Crime and Punishment in the Year 3241

    Date: 8/16/2016, Categories: Science-Fiction, BDSM Bondage and restriction Female exhibitionist, Spanking, Torture, Author: Newfavorite

    ... crammed into a tiny plexiglass box, it had to be painful and for a claustrophobic person terrifying. Finally the container was raised by a rope so that it was around five feet off the ground. The crowd was invited to come onto the stage and observe Jane. They could also spin the plexiglass container she was in. Jane cursed and screamed in a panic, this was truely torture for her. Cleodine watched as a line formed and the crowd went to pester the desperate panicking Jane. "I've never seen a better punishment!" One of the officers whispered to Cleodine. Cleodine calmly got up and walked out of the building, knowing Jane's punishment would last hours longer. Cleodine felt sorry for Jane. She wondered how much of the punishment Jane truly deserved. Cleodine could still hear Jane's screams even outside of the building.