Crime and Punishment in the Year 3241
Date: 8/16/2016, Categories: Science-Fiction, BDSM Bondage and restriction Female exhibitionist, Spanking, Torture, Author: Newfavorite
... laughed out-loud as the humiliated Jane remained helpless and humiliated. "Okay now its time for Jane's real punishment. You know one of Jane's favorite power plays was to get some man or some servant to massage her feet, you could just tell this narcissist loved having that power over someone of a lower rank than her. Well Jane is going to massage our feet, but since her hands are all tied up, she is going to do it with her tongue. Don't worry Jane our feet are clean!" Jane was taken off the bed still tied and put on the floor. Her profile was facing the crowd. A couch was brought up and all three of the socialites sat on the couch their feet resting on the stage floor. Jane was put a few feet away from the socialites so that she had to slowly inch herself forward on her stomach. "Look at the snake slither!" One of the socialites commented. "BITCHES! I'll get you for this!" Jane cried out as she inched her way forward, her teeth grinding in anger. The crowd cheered as Jane licked her rival socialite's feet. Jane was berated and taunted the entire time she performed this task. Jane was forced to look up at her tormenters. Jane's socialite rivals just smiled as Jane shot them looks of hate. Eventually the stage lights went dark again, a low hum from the crowd could be heard as the final act was prepared. "Well I don't see how she could be humiliated anymore." One of the officers whispered to Cleodine. Cleodine looked almost scared knowing what was going to happen next. ...
... Cleodine just wanted this whole event to be over. When planning for the final event of the punishment, Cleodine felt bad but she was literally required by the government to make the punishment last at least twelve hours. When the lights came back on Jane was suspended by her arms and legs, so that her butt was the lowest part of her body. Jane was completely nude and everyone could see by the look in Jane's eyes her bondage was painful. Everyone could also see all of Jane, as the position exposed her entire body. Jane was slowly lowered down, Jane couldn't see where she was going. The crowd could see Jane being lowered into a plexiglass container with holes drilled in it. The container looked too small to fit all of Jane. When Jane's but began to barely fit into the plexiglass container she realized what was happening. Cleodine learned during the punishment meeting that Jane was a class-a claustrophobic. Jane was now screaming bloody murder as her body was emerged into the container completely. Finally when Jane was in the container it was sealed shut. Jane was quite a sight, the container could barely fit her, she had struggled and wriggled around into some sort of pretzel shape, every inch of her was exposed. Her flesh pressed up against the plexiglass flattening her butt and breasts. Jane's screaming was constant but muffled, she was in a real panicked state. Jane's own foot pressed up against her mouth, it was really a sight to see. This normally tall statuesque woman was ...