Crime and Punishment in the Year 3241
Date: 8/16/2016, Categories: Science-Fiction, BDSM Bondage and restriction Female exhibitionist, Spanking, Torture, Author: Newfavorite
Cleodine thought it was bizarre, the new government had implemented a new punishment policy fairly recently. It was twisted and absurd. The official reasoning was that it was cheaper than long prison sentences while still giving victims some form of restitution. It was assuredly both cruel and unusual, but ever since "constitution 3.1" was released the old ideas barring cruel and unusual punishment were removed. For a society so "moral" this seemed like raging hypocrisy. A dead-eyed bureaucrat read Cleodine the rules in a monotone voice. "We have double checked the criminal is of legal age for the punishment." "There shall be no sexual intercourse in this punishment." "You may not use sex toys to punish the criminal." "You have twenty four hours to devise a punishment for the criminal." "Do not draw blood from the criminal intentionally. If an accident occurs, for which the criminal is injured the punishment may be forestalled." Cleodine had a lot to think about after hearing the guidelines. She was a victim of a crime and under "constitution 3.1" victims could devise the punishments for the criminals who wronged them. Of course the punishments had to fit the crime and be approved by a government agent. This new style of criminal justice had become a widely watched event. Often the punishments were carried out in public and if the crime was heinous enough the degree in which the victim could dictate the criminal's punishment was immensely varied. It had become fashionable to ...
... humiliate the criminal by exposing their nude bodies to public view. Often times the criminals would be spanked or bound in public view. The most recent sensation involved a wealthy handsome stockbroker/con-artist and his young trophy wife who were convicted of defrauding hundreds of investors out of a huge amount of money. Thousands of people were in attendance to see their punishment. The event had to be held in a stadium, people paid hundreds of dollars just to gain admittance. It was such a sensation it was broadcast throughout the nation. The crime was severe, so the punishment lasted a long time. Naked and humiliated both criminals were forced to do all sorts of tasks for the victims who chose to participate. At one point the handsome stockbroker who was deftly afraid of heights was lifted kicking and screaming by his arms by a crane up to the height of 200 feet(he was nude of course). His young wife who was also implemented in the scheme was forced to shovel a pile of dirt from one side of the stage to the other also while in the nude. Once the wife was done shoveling she was dirty and exhausted, the husband was finally let down. These two criminals would be permitted back into society but would be forced to live a life of shame. The new punishment system was designed to prevent crime, public shame seemed to be a much larger deterrent than a prison sentence, or even execution. Cleodine remembered reluctantly watching some of the punishment footage from this event. She ...