1. Crime and Punishment in the Year 3241

    Date: 8/16/2016, Categories: Science-Fiction, BDSM Bondage and restriction Female exhibitionist, Spanking, Torture, Author: Newfavorite

    ... butt cheeks opened and her anus was exposed. When the lights finally dimmed for act two. "Brilliant first act! To be humiliated by your own servants, the worst nightmare for any proud socialite." One of the officers said to Cleodine. "And to make use of her large posterior to humiliate her, brilliant!" The other official said. When the lights of the theater came back on. A bed was in center stage and on it Jane was hogtied very tightly, her bare feet were tied to her arms, which were behind her back. The crowd could see the utter mortification of Jane as she struggled alone on the bed against her ties. Jane's pupil's dilated as camera flashes blinded her. When she could finally see, she saw herself surrounded by her peers. Jane's fellow socialites surrounded her, they were all wearing fine evening wear and they all looked very happy to see Jane in the position she was in. One of Jane's socialite peers Macy took the microphone. "Jane was awful to her servants, but she was also awful to her so-called friends. She was a master at spreading rumors and waging petty feuds. Jane always had to have her way! Now her punishment for spreading so many rumors if for her to divulge all of the titillating details of her own private life to the public!" Macy spun around and abruptly asked Jane, "How many men have you slept with!" Jane red faced and defiant, said "I'll never tell!" All the rest of the socialites began tickling Jane's bare feet with feathers. Jane was immensely ticklish. Jane ...
    ... began complaining desperately as she struggled and unwillingly laughed. Jane's toes wrinkled her feet as she laughed and complained of the torture. Jane's face was beat red. Jane wiggled her toes and feet to try and avoid the tickling but it was to no avail. "The only way we are going to stop is if you give us the right number, we've done our research!" Macy said haughtily while still holding up the microphone to Jane's mouth. The tickling went on for minutes, but it must have seemed like hours for Jane. "Eleven!" Jane blurted out! The tickling continued, and Macy said "Try again, much higher, we know the real number, like I said we did our research!" Jane was red faced and simultaneously shaking with anger and laughing from the tickling, blurted out "Twenty!" The tickling stopped, "Wow that's more than we thought, I guess we counted five too few." Macy said as Jane cussed and threatened the laughing socialites. "You will pay!" Jane screamed as the crowd laughed. "Second question, how often do you lust after farm animals?" Jane's eyes grew wide, she knew she never lusted after farm animals, but she also know the tickling would continue if she didn't say something, so she quickly blurted out, "All time time!" "Wow, I really didn't think you lusted after farm animals, wow...the more you know." Macy replied. Jane blew one of her bangs out of her face as she tried her best to keep some form of dignity, her bottom lip was beginning to quiver again. The crowd and the socialites all ...