1. Harry Potter NR.0

    Date: 9/15/2015, Categories: Fiction Fan fiction, Author: zimbi, Source: sexstories.com

    ... cut into the wall for all of his library books and a few he had been given by his school librarian that were badly worn or unused by the children there (always given to him when out of sight of Dudley and his gang). The librarian at Harry's school liked Harry and knew that Harry was actually smart, no matter how many other faculty members told her that he always cheated, but always got away with it for lack of evidence. Harry made it so that only he would notice that the shelf was there—to anyone else it would just seem like the regular wall. The Dursleys practically forgot about Harry's existence. Harry still did his jobs, including the ones Vernon added to make up for the original ones, which Harry now finished in only a few minutes. Harry never used any mind magic on the Dursleys, except to distract them when he would leave the house and to stop them from punishing him badly. He suspected that the Dursleys knew that he was up to something, but they wisely left him alone about it. His tree became more of a home than Privet Drive ever was. He had made a sort of tree house about halfway up. Unlike most tree houses, his was made from the tree itself. The tree now had a table and a chair growing directly out of the trunk and branches. He was the only person in the world that had a living tree house. Occasionally, he would have prune and trim his table, but Harry now enjoyed unusual things in his life. During the winter, he warmed up his section of the tree so that it felt ...
    ... like late spring instead of December, and stopped any rain or snow from intruding into his sanctuary. When it was cold or wet or cold and wet, all kinds of animals would come into the warm and dry area of the tree. Harry would talk to them, not caring if they understood, but he thought he could see some intelligence in the eyes of some creatures. Most of the animals that lived in the tree knew Harry and were not afraid of him, and would take any food that he conjured and fed to them right from his hands. Birds would land on his shoulders and gently tug on his hair in an affectionate manner. At least, that's what Harry assumed it to be. He had not known affection from humans, let alone birds. Spiders, however, seemed to be deathly afraid of him and would flee from his presence, even in his cupboard where they had coexisted peacefully for as long as he could remember. "Probably something to do with my magic," Harry said to a small snake that was sliding down a nearby branch. For some reason, snakes seemed to like him a lot. Harry never got hissed at or bitten. They also seemed to understand Harry the most. "You are correct, young speaker, but not in the way you think." Harry stared at the snake. This was something he had not expected. "You can talk?" Harry asked. "No. You can," the snake hissed in an odd way, bobbing his head up and down as if he was laughing. "You are a speaker. A human capable of speaking our language. Not many are born with this ability, and it cannot be ...