1. Harry Potter NR.0

    Date: 9/15/2015, Categories: Fiction Fan fiction, Author: zimbi, Source: sexstories.com

    ... learned." "Well, why haven't you said anything before?" "Well, you're dreadfully boring, aren't you?" the snake drawled and rolled his eyes, as if it was completely obvious and Harry shouldn't have had to ask such a stupid question. "All you ever talk about is the weather and what a nice day it is. And, I'll have you know, the birds know they're pretty. You don't have to tell them over and over every time one lands on you. Sure, they like the attention, but that doesn't mean that everyone else here enjoys your incessant prattling." "My teachers think I'm very smart!" Harry said. He wasn't about to tell this stupid snake that all of his teachers thought he invented a clever new method of cheating. "And I don't think you're very nice! Now I know why everybody hates snakes!" "Well, of course I'm not nice. I'm not the weather, after all," the snake laughed silkily. Harry could not believe it! He was being mocked by something with no arms or legs! He closed his eyes, calmed himself down and tried to be civil. "Well, I didn't know anyone could understand me. I'll try to keep my conversation entertaining for you, okay?" Harry glared at the snake. "Right. I'm Harry Potter, who are you?" "Eh? I'm a snake. You know that already. And I thought you were a human, not a Harry Potter. You certainly look human." The snake was looking at Harry as if he was even stupider than he originally thought. "'Course I'm human. But my name is Harry Potter." The snake still looked confused. "It's what ...
    ... we call each other to tell each other apart. We couldn't go around saying, 'How's it going, human?' 'Not bad, human, how about you?' 'I'm swell, thanks, does human still have that nasty cough?' It would get confusing, don't you think?" "Yesss..." The Harry Potter was smarter than he thought. "Well, you may call me what you wish, Harry Potter." "How about..." Harry looked up in thought. "Mr. Snake!" "How about Nathair?" He sighed. Harry Potter was much, much stupider than he thought. "Well, alright, then." Harry agreed reluctantly. "Nice to meet you, Nathair." "You as well, Harry Potter." At least this human was polite. The other speakers always wanted something out of him. He knew the rumors that a speaker could destroy a snake with a thought if they wanted. "What is your command?" "Command?" Harry was confused. Even if he expected to become the master of a magically enslaved snake, he still would not know what to do. Nobody had ever let Harry make any kind of decision in his life before. After a moment of thought, Harry knew exactly what he wanted. "Er...just be my friend." "As you wish..." This might not be so bad, after all, Nathair thought. x x x Harry's new friend gave him new ideas for spells, and magic in general. Although Harry never gave him a direct command (since he didn't know that he could), Nathair would always be there to help when Harry was in the tree. "So I'm not the first sorcerer you've met before?" Harry asked. "Sorcerer? I do not know of things like that. ...