1. Harry Potter NR.0

    Date: 9/15/2015, Categories: Fiction Fan fiction, Author: zimbi, Source: sexstories.com

    ... though." "What?" Harry asked as everyone else focused on their conversation. "This wand is made of holly with a phoenix feather core," he whispered. Everyone leaned in to hear what he had to say, knowing instinctively that it was important. "The phoenix that gave the feather in this wand gave one other over fifty years ago. The wand that that feather resides in was purchased by the man who grew up to give you that scar." "This is like Voldemort's old wand?" Harry asked fearfully. "The wand chooses the wizard, Mr. Potter. You choose how to use it," Ollivander explained. "Sharing a core does not mean you are like him." After a long silence, Hermione spoke up. "Is this the right wand for me, then?" "That it is." He said as he put them back in their respective boxes and handed them to their new owners. "That's seven galleons each." Harry and Hermione each paid the proper amount. While the others started to leave, Harry looked at Ollivander oddly. "A question, Mr. Potter?" he asked, noticing his look. "How do you make it seem like you're not there?" he asked. "I can't feel your magic, but I can feel something else that's a bit familiar." "Ah! You are even more advanced than you appear to be!" he said excitedly. "Powerful, smart, and in touch with nature!" "I would definitely say the last is true," he smiled. "Mr. Potter, I am not a hunter," he said seriously. "Yet I use parts from magical creatures ...
    ... in each of my wands. Through the years, I have come to have a certain empathy towards them. I have been able to make deals with them for a feather or hair. I believe that may be the 'familiar thing' you are feeling, as I feel it in you as well." "Okay, but how come I can't feel your magic?" "I hide it within myself to calm the animals down. Since you are familiar with muggle technology, I will use that as an example. If something is giving off sparks, you know without a doubt that there is electricity within, correct?" Harry nodded. "That is because the energy has nowhere to go, so it simply goes out. Give it a place to go, however, and the sparks will not show. What I do is I let my magic flow in a circle throughout my body. That way, I am not wasting magical energy by letting it go off into the environment. You didn't feel it because it wasn't there. It was inside of me." "I see." "It is a very hard skill to master, but if you can do that, you will be practically invisible to magical devices and even the most powerful wizards will have to work hard to hit you with a spell." "I'll work on it, then," Harry said, and they left. "But don't you want me to tell you how it works?" He said to an empty shop. A/N: I know Ollivander is a bit OOC here. My reasoning is that he knew when he saw Harry that Harry would see through his mysterious act, so he did something unusual and showed his true personality. 