1. Harry Potter NR.0

    Date: 9/15/2015, Categories: Fiction Fan fiction, Author: zimbi, Source: sexstories.com

    ... Hermione could not feel his magic at all, but Harry felt something odd about him. Something he had never felt in a human. Ollivander turned to Hermione. "And Miss Potter. Or do you prefer Granger?" "Granger, please," Hermione said shyly. "As I thought," he said, and nodded to himself. "And would you two like wands? They would afford you some subtlety." "We didn't think it's a choice," Hermione said. "It says right here—" She held up her list. Ollivander waved a hand as if the list of requirements were just a suggestion. "Those are for normal witches and wizards. You two, clearly, are quite the opposite." He looked at them closely in a way that made them glad they knew occlumency. "You both are clearly capable of wandless magic, and I imagine it's refined to an impressive degree. You are also both very powerful, although I have only seen one person as powerful as you before, Mr. Potter. But don't tell anyone I said that; it would be very humiliating for some people. Of course, they could all use a little humility now and then." "Who was the person who I'm as powerful as?" Harry asked, although he had a guess. "The one who gave you your scar," Ollivander whispered, focusing his gaze on the mark in question. Harry swallowed. "So you're saying we don't need to use wands if we don't want to?" Hermione asked, trying to derail a conversation that would not be good for Harry. "I'm saying you don't. Most people, almost all in fact, can only perform the simplest of spells without a ...
    ... wand." "But what makes us different?" "You both grew up without any wizards around, correct?" They nodded. "Then you have taught yourselves your own, unique kind of magic. Most people are trained to use a wand, and from birth are shown that one is needed to do anything." "So a wand would be useless to us?" Harry asked. "Not useless. Just unnecessary. It might make certain spells easier or faster to perform, and it will help avoid pesky questions." Harry and Hermione glanced at each other. "We both want one then," Harry said, and Ollivander left to get boxes of wands. "Try these," he said, dumping a pile of boxes on the counter in front of them. He gave Harry one wand and Hermione another. "What do you want us to do?" she asked as she picked up the wand. As soon as she had it firmly in her hand, Ollivander yanked it out. "Try this one," he said, and did the same to Harry. They each went through the pile of wands until Hermione found one that Ollivander didn't disapprove of. She held it awkwardly as he shifted his focus entirely to Harry. "No, that won't do. Too swishy," he mumbled to himself as he shoved boxes around and threw a couple over his shoulder and onto the floor. Eventually he went to get a second set of boxes. As he was shuffling through the next batch, he picked up one and looked at it carefully. "Ah! A bit unusual, but just maybe…" Harry took the wand from him, and felt warmth travel up his arm. "This is it!" Harry said with confidence. "As I suspected. Curious, ...