1. Harry Potter NR.0

    Date: 9/15/2015, Categories: Fiction Fan fiction, Author: zimbi, Source: sexstories.com

    ... jewelry boxes and a small notebook or diary. Harry opened the notebook. There was only sentence written in the entire book: 'See me when your mind is troubled.' "Okay, that's weird." "See what's in those boxes," Hermione said excitedly. He opened the newer looking one. "Looks like my parents' wedding rings," he said as he looked at the green jewel that was the same shade as his and his mother's eyes. When he finished looking at them he closed the box and opened the second one. "More rings?" Hermione asked. "That's odd." "These look really old." Harry looked at the inside of one of the old rings. "This was Gryffindor's!" "So you do get something of his, after all." "Even more important, I got my parents' rings," he said. Hermione smiled. He really cared more about his parents than about old heirlooms from a famous person. "Besides, I'd rather have that sword!" x x x After Gringott's, they went to everyone's first choice: The bookstore. In this case, that meant going to Flourish & Blott's. Flourish & Blott's was a huge store that had books on every imaginable subject, and then some. Harry and Hermione went crazy, buying at least one book on each branch of magic, and several for some of the more prolifically documented branches. Even though the person at the counter shrank and lightened the books, they were still a burden to carry. "I think the next stop should be a place where we can buy a trunk," Dan said as he carried the small and light, yet annoying to carry load of ...
    ... books. "There's a trunk store over there," Hermione pointed. They walked into the trunk store and a salesman greeted them. "Hello, how may I help you?" He saw the two children and their obviously muggle parents. "New Hogwarts students, eh?" Harry and Hermione each opened their mouths to respond, but he interrupted them before they started. "You'll want new trunks, of course. That's what we sell here, after all." "We'd just like—" "We have the wizarding world's largest assortment of trunks, chests, and dimensional hubs here!" "Dimensional hubs?" Harry asked, not seeing what that had to do with small storage devices. "Of course, of course! Right this way, young sir!" He started to walk off to a corner of the store. "Er…actually we'd just like two trunks, please," Hermione interrupted. "Oh, of course. No reason for schoolchildren to have trans-dimensional gateways in their pockets," he laughed, leading them to the corner opposite the one he was headed in before Hermione told him what they wanted. They stopped in front of a wall with various trunks mounted on it. "Now, just what sort of trunk would you like?" "Regular," Harry said simply. "Regular it is! I must say, that's the popular thing among the young crowd these days," he said to the Grangers. "Now would you like regular with four compartments or regular with six compartments? Both are considered 'wicked' trunks!" He punctuated wicked with little air-quotes. "I don't quite follow," Harry said. "Well, the four-compartment has ...