1. Harry Potter NR.0

    Date: 9/15/2015, Categories: Fiction Fan fiction, Author: zimbi, Source: sexstories.com

    ... years or so." Harry opened the door when it opened and walked in, and was shocked. "Where is everything?" The vault was the size of a house, but completely empty except for a few dusty pieces of furniture. "The vaults of the Hogwarts founders are well-known for being almost entirely ransacked except for a few useless items," Griphook replied. "Including the founders' complete sets of Goblin-wrought armor." "So there's nothing?" "Each of the founders' vaults has one item they cherished more than anything else. Those are said to only be usable by the one heir of theirs that embodies them in every way possible; their true heir, not just a coincidence of family. Slytherin had his item moved somewhere else shortly before he died. He did not trust the Goblins with whatever it was." "What happens if there are no more heirs?" Harry asked. "There are a few vaults that will remain permanently active, such as these. Some of these vaults haven't been opened in generations, but people that think they deserve the sword of Gryffindor, for example, are free to attempt to remove it while under Goblin supervision. Gryffindor's vault is the most popular, since people tend to think they will have to fight a dragon or something to get it and students of Gryffindor house think it's fun. Really, if they can pick it up, it's theirs." Harry and Hermione read the brochure that professor McGonagall left them, so they knew that Gryffindor was the school house for brave, honorable people. Or, as Emma ...
    ... jokingly referred to them, 'hot-headed idiots that won't admit it when they're wrong.' It was the house that both children wanted to be in, although they didn't really care which house it was as long as it wasn't Slytherin. They seemed to be the rich, pureblood leeches that Willow hated so much. "So just anyone could waltz in here?" he asked as he did just that. He noticed the sword sitting on a table and approached it. "Don't worry if you can't pick it up, Harry. It's been here for almost a thousand years," Hermione said as she inspected the sword. "Gee, thanks for the support. It really moved me." He gripped the handle of the sword and tried to lift it. It felt like it weighed a thousand pounds. "Well, your turn I guess. Don't be disappointed if it doesn't like you," he added, knowing how much she hated to lose at anything. "We'll see," she said as she tried to lift it. "No good." "Don't worry, it's been here for a thousand years. Let's look over here," he said, feeling something magical. "Feel that?" Hermione asked. "Yeah. It looks like a distraction spell. Shouldn't be any problem to get past," he said as he circled it and whispered. "There. Now let's see what we've got." A chest was sitting there with not a speck of dust or spider webs. A small plate with 'J & L P' stamped on it was at the top of the chest. "This was my parents' chest!" he said as he opened it. Hermione knew how much he liked finding out about his parents. There wasn't much in the chest. There were two ...