1. Harry Potter NR.0

    Date: 9/15/2015, Categories: Fiction Fan fiction, Author: zimbi, Source: sexstories.com

    ... "Can I see my vault now?" Griphook led them to a cliché-looking mining cart and they all got in. Harry was excited to go on a ride, Hermione was interested in how it worked, and the Grangers were hoping they weren't about to die. The cart took off, and Griphook laughed as everyone screamed to fit their level of excitement. They went faster than anything held to its tracks by a few inches of rusty metal should be allowed to. As they shot through the caves, the cart turned faster than Harry could keep track. At one point, they were narrowly missed by a burst of fire coming from a crevice to their side, Griphook didn't seem very surprised. In fact, he looked quite bored. Eventually they slowed down and came to a stop. Griphook led them out of the cart and Harry handed him the lamp. "Key, please." Griphook held out his hand and Harry gave him his key. Griphook put the key in the lock and Harry watched as the key, which was perfectly rectangular, let a bit of magic loose that was in the shape of a normal key. He turned the key, and Harry saw something he couldn't believe, even after everything he had been through. "Well, I guess you're not wearing Dudley's old clothes anymore, then," Hermione said as she too looked on in shock. "This is all mine?" Harry asked numbly. He looked at the piles of gold in shock, hardly believing it was real. "Go on, Harry. Fill up a bag." Hermione conjured a sack and gave it to him, and he snapped back to reality. "You take one too! And one for your ...
    ... parents!" he said as he bounced over to the nearest pile and started tossing coins in. "Harry, I think you have enough for today," Emma said as she watched him packing a bag worth hundreds of pounds. "But we're bound to go to a bookstore eventually," Harry reasoned. "I can buy my very own books! And keep them!" The Grangers stood around awkwardly as Harry filled up another sack. "Okay. Let's go to the Gryffindor vault," Harry told Griphook as he and Hermione came out of the vault. They got back into the cart for an even longer, twistier ride. The adult humans were looking sick when the cart again came to a halt. Harry handed Griphook the key, and he put it in same as before, then drew a line with his finger straight down the crack of the door, just like Harry did with his portals. He watched with interest as the Goblin's finger seemed to inject magic into the doorway, which then bled into certain points inside the door. When all of the points were covered in Goblin magic, the door creaked open. "Do you have some kind of key of your finger?" Hermione asked. She could feel magic, but seeing it was still a Harry-only domain. "No, it's Goblin magic," he replied, as if sharing a secret. Perhaps he was. "If anyone but a Gringott's Goblin tried that, they'd be sucked in and trapped on the other side. Every ten years or so, we get a couple people stupid enough to try it." He grinned cruelly. "Oh. Well—how often do you check?" she asked nervously as his grin broadened. "Oh, every ten ...