1. Harry Potter NR.0

    Date: 9/15/2015, Categories: Fiction Fan fiction, Author: zimbi, Source: sexstories.com

    ... for looking the wrong way. "To the bank!" Harry said, and he started walking in a random direction. Hermione sighed. He was way too used to living in a tree. In there, to find something, you could generally walk in any direction and find it. "Harry, perhaps we should find out where it is first at least?" He blushed. "I suppose that sounds like a good idea." x x x The four of them waited in the line at Gringott's when they finally got there. Harry had gotten lost twice: once while looking in the window at a broom shop, and once for no reason. They got in line at Gringott's and had been there for twenty minutes when they got to the front. "Next!" a gruff voice called. Harry and Hermione stepped up, the Grangers following a few feet behind them. "Hello, Mr. Gornuk," Harry said as he looked at the name plate on the counter, and Gornuk raised an eyebrow. "I've been told that my parents left me some money here." "Sign your name here and it will show any vaults you have access to," the goblin said, pushing a piece of parchment forward. As Harry signed it, he felt a cutting on the top of his hand. "You must sign with blood for us to find your vaults," he explained as Harry looked up in concern. "It will heal almost immediately." As Harry rubbed his hand, the goblin watched Harry's signature move into a list of vaults. "It seems that there are three vaults that you have control over: a trust fund set up by your parents for your education, containing about 10,000 galleons, the Potter ...
    ... family vault, which you will gain access to at age seventeen, containing an unknown amount of cash, and family heirlooms and jewelry, and the Gryffindor vault, of which you are the remaining heir, contents unknown, as the most recent records we have for that vault are from the twelfth century. "Here is the key for the Gryffindor vault and one for the trust fund. Would Ms. Potter like a key as well?" he asked, looking at Hermione. "Yes, please," Harry answered, giving the Grangers a look that said they would not be arguing. They had accepted Hermione's new name eventually, but everyone still felt odd calling her by it. Gornuk gave him an old iron key, and two identical golden ones. "Griphook here will take you to either of those vaults. Do you have any questions?" "You said that I will gain control of the main vault when I turn seventeen?" "Yes," Gornuk confirmed. "Who has control now?" "Your vault is being held by Albus Dumbledore, headmaster of Hogwarts and Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot." Those words meant nothing to anybody except the goblins. "I see," Harry said in thought. "How can I contact him?" "I believe the best way would be to send him an owl at Hogwarts," Gornuk replied. He recognized that there was no way this boy knew anything about the magical world, so he added, "Goblins tend to stay separate from wizards." "Oh. I see," Harry said, not understanding why he would send someone an owl, how to send it to Hogwarts, or why Goblins separated themselves from wizards. ...