1. Harry Potter NR.0

    Date: 9/15/2015, Categories: Fiction Fan fiction, Author: zimbi, Source: sexstories.com

    ... Hermione reminded him as she pulled him in the direction of the Leaky Cauldron. "Oh no!" Emma shouted. "I have an emergency appointment scheduled for today! We normally don't go in on weekends, but I told a man I would make an exception for his tooth extraction! I'm half an hour late and he's probably sitting in the parking lot wondering what's going on. I can't believe I forgot." "This won't take long, Mum." Hermione pushed her through the door. "But I need to—"she started. "Wait, I don't have any appointments today." "It was a spell, Mum." Hermione said as Harry looked around. She was reminded of the cantina in the first Star Wars movie, only set in the eighteenth century. It was just as dingy on the inside as it looked outside, and she didn't think it was the result of any spells. There were people cloaked in dark robes sitting in the corners watching the people come in. An old man at the bar was smoking a clear pipe with twists and turns like a drinking straw she once had. A woman walked past them, yelling at a red lizard in her hand. "You ought to be ashamed of yourself! Exploding in front of all those people! Never have I been so embarrassed in my life! We'll talk about this later…" The lizard did not seem to be too upset about being punished. Harry saw the bartender looking at them and washing glasses. "Hello," he greeted. "Are you Tom?" He continued to wash the glass he was holding. "Aye, that's me. You two must be muggleborns." "I am, but he's not. His parents were ...
    ... magical," Hermione said. "Orphan, eh?" Harry nodded. "Sorry to hear that." "Professor McGonagall told us to ask you how to get to Diagon Alley." "Of course, miss. Right this way," he said as he put down the glass and came out from behind the bar. He led them to a solid brick wall in the back. Harry noticed that some of the bricks were magical while the others were normal. "To get into Diagon Alley, you tap your wand on the bricks in the right order, like this," Tom said as he tapped the magical bricks, and they rotated into a doorway. "Thank you," Hermione said, as they walked through. As the doorway closed, Harry whispered to Hermione, "Why do you have to tap a pattern into the bricks, like it's a password? If you have magic, shouldn't you be able to tap any of them and get through?" "That's a good point, but at the moment I don't really care," she said, pointing to the small city that had been revealed to them. There were people of all ages in robes everywhere, walking, talking to their friends, looking eagerly in store windows, and complaining loudly about prices. "I have to say, you two, when we went in there it was kind of dodgy, but if the style was a bit more…" Emma paused to think of a euphemism. "…more contemporary, it could be a shopping center anywhere." She was glad. While they certainly wouldn't be doing all of their shopping there, it was not the Dungeons and Dragons nightmare she had half expected. At least, there didn't seem to be anybody liable to kill them ...