1. Harry Potter NR.0

    Date: 9/15/2015, Categories: Fiction Fan fiction, Author: zimbi, Source: sexstories.com

    ... Granger, but because you thought it would be a good idea to raise the boy in a place that hated him instead of a good home, of which many were willing to take him, he accidentally has a new sister! You should be glad they act even closer than real siblings, or we could have a huge problem on our hands!" Dumbledore sighed. "And what is happening to Harry now? Did you convince him to go home?" "No, Albus. He is in a place where he is loved, safe, and happy. He even has a friend that will be in the same year as him here." She calmed down. "There are so many people that love him, Albus. Why would you put him in a place where he is treated worse than a house-elf?" "He needs to be with Petunia Dursley because of the blood wa—" "The wards are not only intact, but stronger than ever and reinforced by something that not even the Dark Lord would be foolish enough to try and break." "Minerva, that is simply impossible. Petunia Dursley is Harry's only living relative. Nothing Harry could do, even if he is capable of taking you to China or evocation of the elements, could protect him from Voldemort better than the blood wards. Even a fidelius charm can be bypassed, as we both know," he added sadly. McGonagall thought about her favorite former students fondly and sadly for a moment before bringing her thoughts back to the present. "He is living in a dryad's tree, Albus. A dryad that thinks of him as a son." Dumbledore was shocked. "A dryad? Why is there a dryad in Little Whinging?" ...
    ... "Harry's living in it created it. Apparently Lily sat in the tree when she was young. She looks exactly like her." Dumbledore paused to think. "Dryads are traditionally off-limits, even for the darkest of wizards. Voldemort, however, is beyond usual evil. However, there is almost no information about them, and Voldemort won't like that. And if she has taken Lily's form, the blood protection cannot possibly be stronger. Very well, Minerva. Perhaps you were right after all." He sighed. "Is there anything else about him?" "He conjured food." "Impressive for his age, but not as much as the other things you mentioned," Dumbledore said. "No. I mean he conjured it out of thin air. I asked him for a food that he had never had before, and he conjured it, right there. He broke Gamp's law." "That can't be right!" "Well, it was a bit salty, and not quite up to the house elves' quality, but it was alright." "I mean it's not possible. Nobody has ever done it before! How can an untrained ten-year-old with no wand do that? Impossible!" "He started when he was eight," McGonagall said simply. Dumbledore fainted. x x x Later that month, the Grangers and Harry went to the Leaky Cauldron. Before they saw it, Harry saw the magic that protected the door with an orange glow that Harry now saw anything magical with. "There!" He pointed at a shabby-looking door that was so dirty it looked like it was painted black. The Grangers looked. "Harry, I don't see anything," Dan said. "You're not supposed to, Dad," ...