1. Harry Potter NR.0

    Date: 9/15/2015, Categories: Fiction Fan fiction, Author: zimbi, Source: sexstories.com

    ... before then, simply write to me and I shall answer if I can." With that, she apparated away back to Hogwarts to deliver her report to Dumbledore. x x x Dumbledore sat in his office, thinking about what to do about the Weasley twins. While he enjoyed them as much as he enjoyed the marauders, he had to keep up appearances. Detentions and points taken would not keep them in line; he'd have to send Molly an owl. "Come in, Minerva," he said, and his door opened. She looked at him suspiciously. "How did you know that it was me?" "Come now, Minerva. I can't go revealing all of my tricks," he said. "That would ruin the fun." Her suspicion deepened. "Albus, why was I in the hospital wing in 1939?" He looked off in remembrance. "I'm not sure. That is not the responsibility of a transfiguration professor. Why do you ask?" "Just confirming some disturbing news." "Are you alright, Minerva?" he asked, concerned. "I just spent the day with one of next year's muggleborns," McGonagall said. "And?" "Her name was Hermione. Hermione Potter," she said, watching his expression carefully. "Yes. I noticed that name when the letter was being written on Wednesday. I thought maybe she might be a distant, forgotten squib line of the Potters." "She not only knew about magic, but she could perform amazing spells that she apparently made up from muggle stories." "Oh, excellent! I always love when muggleborn students accept their abilities, especially when they can control magic without any training. It ...
    ... is always a sign that they will grow up to do great things." "She was performing elemental evocation." "Really?" he asked a bit more warily. "And under what circumstances did she show you this?" "I asked her to show her something that would impress me when she told me she could perform magic. She already transfigured a match to a needle flawlessly. The best I've ever seen," McGonagall complimented. "Then she made some sort of hole in the wall that took us directly to China." "China?" he asked incredulously. "China. Or as she called it, the practice grounds. Then she effortlessly conjured a fireball and threw it at a dead tree." "A fireball! And without a wand? Not even I am capable of that, even with a wand," he exclaimed, getting to his feet in shock. McGonagall was beginning to enjoy her revenge on the man that inspired her subconscious. "She also introduced me to her brother Harry," she said, and smiled as Dumbledore's brain caught up with the conversation. "Not Harry Potter! Our Harry Potter?" "I would not call him ours, Albus," she said angrily. "I told you those Dursleys would be no good to him!" "But he's learned magic! They obviously support him." "He's living in a tree in the park," she spat at him. "He doesn't go to school because those horrible muggles stopped paying for him to go years ago! That is most certainly not a supportive environment. And because he knows nothing of wizarding culture, he accidentally adopted this Hermione girl! Her last name should be ...