1. Harry Potter NR.0

    Date: 9/15/2015, Categories: Fiction Fan fiction, Author: zimbi, Source: sexstories.com

    ... instantly knew how the children knew that fact. "You're a dryad?" Willow nodded. "Lily used to sit in my tree to get away from her sister, and formed a rare connection with me. Because of that, I am able to use her appearance." "Forgive me; I don't know much about dryads. How did you come to be in a muggle neighborhood?" McGonagall asked. "Don't worry. Most people don't know anything about dryads. We tend to stick to ourselves," she said. "In short, it was Harry's magic, helped by Hermione that created me. He treated my tree like a person, and that was what brought me into the world in this form." "I see. I wish we had more time to talk. I'm sure it would be fascinating." Willow smiled. "Feel free to come any time you wish." "Thank you," she said as she turned to the humans. "I have been here much longer than I expected, and I will have to go soon. You two will go on to do incredible things, mark my words." The children blushed and smiled. "What do you say, you two?" Emma asked them. "Thank you, professor," they said together. "You're welcome," she said warmly. She could tell that the next few years would be very, very interesting. Or deadly. "Term starts next year, on September first. This is your acceptance letter, which includes the list of items and books you will need to purchase." She handed the letter to Hermione, whose face lit up at the mention of books. "The best place to buy the things on that list is Diagon Alley in London. The entrance to Diagon Alley is ...
    ... through the Leaky Cauldron on Charing Cross Road. It is by design hard to find, so that muggles don't wander in. You'll have to keep a sharp eye out, and it is likely that your parents will not be able to see it, or will try to get you to leave if you are close. Talk to Tom, the bartender, in there to find out how to cross over." Hermione was writing everything McGonagall said down on a slip of paper. "Once there, the best place to start is Gringott's bank, so that you may exchange pounds for galleons, sickles, and knuts." "You can have some of the money my parents left me, Hermione. It'll be easier that way, right?" Harry asked McGonagall. "Yes. And cheaper," she said. "The goblins charge a significant conversion fee." "Goblins?" Hermione asked. "They run the bank. They aren't dangerous unless you try to steal from them. Otherwise, just treat them like normal people," McGonagall said. "Harry, your parents were quite wealthy, as your father was the only living Potter, and they are an old pureblood family, so if you all agree, that would be a good idea. Hermione is registered as a Potter, after all. Everything else at Diagon Alley is fairly easy to find. "You will take the train from platform 9¾ at King's Cross station on September first. To get to the platform, simply walk into the pillar between platforms nine and ten. Try to avoid being seen by muggles, and everything should be fine. Harry, you will receive your letter the weekend after your birthday. If you have any questions ...