1. Harry Potter NR.0

    Date: 9/15/2015, Categories: Fiction Fan fiction, Author: zimbi, Source: sexstories.com

    ... always been a hit with people who need to store a lot of things, and the six-compartment is great for people who need to store a whole lot of things!" "Isn't there just a…a regular, one-compartment trunk?" Harry asked. The salesman was shocked. "That's. Incredible…Its brilliance lies in its simplicity. A one-compartment trunk…I'll see if the boys in R&D can get on that immediately!" "You mean you don't have any?" Emma asked incredulously. "Well, I don't think so, but I'll look in the back." With that, he sprinted into the back room for a second, and came immediately out. "Well, it looks like you folks are in luck! We just happen to have an entire back room full of the things! A one-compartment trunk…" he whispered to himself excitedly. "You didn't know they were back there?" Harry asked. The salesman shook his head happily. "How long have you been working here?" "I own the place! Stanley's finest trunks, the only thing our trunks can't do is make a better advertising slogan!" "Right…" "Now, what size do you want those single-compartment trunks?" he asked slyly and winked. "Er…about fourteen by eighteen by fourty-two," Emma said, picturing it in her mind. "Fourteen feet…Eighteen feet…Fourty-two feet!" he wrote on a pad of paper. "Now that's enough space for a big ol' bunch of stuff!" "Actually," Emma started, "I think maybe we'll come back later when we're sure…" "Of course, of course! You can't be uncertain with these fellows, no not one bit! A trunk is a big commitment, ...
    ... after all!" "Right. Well, see you later," Emma said as she firmly pushed the children out the door. Once they were out of sight of Stanley, who was standing in the window and smiling at them, Emma asked Harry, "Can you just conjure a pair of trunks?" "I can do that now, and have Willow grow us some sturdier ones." Once they were sure nobody was watching them (out of habit), Harry and Hermione each conjured a trunk and put their books in it. "Okay, Hermione. What's next?" her father asked. "Next is…" she looked at the itinerary she wrote up before they left. "We need to buy wands. At least it says we need them. I think they're just to show off. Like jewelry." "Or one of those little dogs that can fit in a purse," Harry agreed. "I don't think they would put something like that on the list of basic things you need for school," Emma said as they approached Ollivander's wand shop. "Look, they've been in business for over two thousand years. I don't think they could last that long selling useless things." "You're right. The Greeks never would have stood for opulence in their society," Hermione said sarcastically. "What I meant was, popular things come and go. This has been here forever." As they entered the shop, Hermione struggled not to cough with all of the dust that floated through the air. "It certainly seems like it's never been cleaned in that long," Hermione thought to Harry, who laughed. "Ah, Mr. Potter," a man said as he drifted out of the shadows. Everyone jumped. Harry and ...