1. Harry Potter NR.0

    Date: 9/15/2015, Categories: Fiction Fan fiction, Author: zimbi, Source: sexstories.com

    ... But there have been other people with magic like yours. Slightly different, though." Nathair did not like how this was going. "Different? How?" Harry turned away from the spell book he was writing in to focus on him. "They always have used a...an item of focus." As long as Harry didn't give him a direct command, Nathair could avoid the subject he was worried about. "Item of focus? What's that?" "Such as a wand. I have heard stories about people long ago that would use a staff..." Nathair trailed off. "Well, that makes sense. I always wondered about that. Lots of stories have things like wands or a staff. Sometimes swords, even." Harry was excited to learn something new, but Nathair seemed to be acting oddly. "Are you okay? Tell me what's wrong." Harry did not mean it, but that was a command, and Nathair felt the urge to give in to his will. "Speakers are well-known for using snakes for their foci." "Oh." Harry looked at the expression of fear in Nathair's eyes and decided he should get all of the facts before using his friend to make magic. "Well... what would happen to you?" "You...care?" Having met a speaker before, several centuries ago, and having heard rumors about their lack of compassion for their tools of power, he was flabbergasted. "Of course I care, I'm your friend, right?" Harry said, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. Nathair looked at him. "Of course you are." He paused. He did not think Harry would choose to use him like that, but some people ...
    ... would do anything for power. "It enhances your magic by using my life force." "You mean it'll kill you?" "Eventually, yes." "Well, we can't let that happen, can we?" Harry said, and that was the end of that. "...Thank you, Harry Potter." "What are friends for? Now, why don't you tell me some more stories about what the others could do?" x x x Harry's monitors began to glow with a slow pulse. Dumbledore was torn between his usual delight and a vague feeling of worry. "There was no way that James and Lily's son would turn out to be like Tom. Everything will go according to plan," he thought as he covered the glowing device with a thick blanket. "I'm sure it will." x x x One day, sitting in his tree, Harry felt something odd. It was almost like when he cast a spell, only it was a bit off and it was...outside of him. There was no better explanation. He looked around to see if anything unusual had just happened. There was nothing out of order that he could tell, except that there was a snowy white owl sitting in the tree and staring straight at him. That was definitely where the magical feeling was coming from. "Hello, are you a magical owl?" Harry asked. The owl hooted affirmatively. "A paired owl...Not unheard of, but exceedingly unusual for someone of your age. Of course, that describes everything that happens around you," Nathair said as he slithered down to Harry. "Paired? What do you mean?" "She is destined for you. If she became anyone else's familiar, she would likely die. ...