1. Harry Potter NR.0

    Date: 9/15/2015, Categories: Fiction Fan fiction, Author: zimbi, Source: sexstories.com

    ... She will be closer to you than any simple pet, and you will eventually be able to read each other, and know when the other needs something. I had hoped to become your familiar, but there's no way I can compete with a paired owl..." Nathair trailed off, obviously disappointed. "It's okay, you're still my friend. Hey, I thought you said you didn't know about humans and sorcerers." "It's instinct. All animals that can be used by a human know this." "Oh. What's a familiar, anyway?" Harry asked. "It's basically your favored pet. By becoming a familiar, we will become smarter and sometimes develop a bit of magic of our own if the bond is close enough. Your bond with this owl will certainly be that close." He cast a jealous yet playful glare at the owl and coiled up in the sun to watch them. Harry held his arm up and the owl hopped onto him. Harry gasped as a feeling of warmth crept up his arm, and he suddenly felt like he knew this owl his whole life. "Wow," he said in awe. "Now what should I name you?" Harry went through a list of potential names. "Snowy?" The owl glared at him. "Too cliché...gotcha. Owly?" Harry received a glare in response as Nathair looked at her in sympathy. Harry thought for a while and came up with an idea. "How about you pick your own name?" The owl looked at him as if he had grown a second head and was now fighting with it. "Okay, how many letters?" She blinked at him six times. Harry had always wanted to play hangman before, but he never had anyone that ...
    ... wanted to play with him. Using his finger as a pen, he drew up a gallows and six slots for letters in midair in glowing lines. "Okay...is there an E?" The owl pointed her wing at the second slot. Harry smiled. Playing was fun, especially when he did it in the most unDursleyish way possible. x x x The summer passed quickly, and Harry hardly spent any time at Privet Drive. He didn't even sleep there anymore, since he made a portal that connected from his tree to the inside of his cupboard door as if they were two rooms in the same building. In case someone opened the cupboard, Harry did not want them to see a floating hole in reality. The portal would only be opened while the door was closed, so nobody except Harry would even be able to find out about its existence. On Harry's eighth birthday, Nathair and Hedwig surprised him with a small party. "Congratulations on surviving through eight summers, Harry Potter. You have done well," Nathair hissed to him, after dropping a mostly-dead mouse on the table for him. "I caught this one especially for you. It struggled much." "Er...thanks," Harry said, realizing that it was, in fact, his birthday. He assumed that something struggling to not be eaten alive meant that it was an extra special mouse. "I appreciate the thought, but why don't you go ahead and eat it yourself." "You cannot know you if you don't like it unless you try it," he replied, as he practically breathed the mouse in. "It tastes like food." "Does it taste like people ...