1. Harry Potter NR.0

    Date: 9/15/2015, Categories: Fiction Fan fiction, Author: zimbi, Source: sexstories.com

    ... food?" "I believe it tastes like snake food, but I do not know if it tastes like food for humans as well." "Well, I probably shouldn't risk it. Thanks anyway, though. How'd you know it was my birthday? I didn't even remember." "But your familiar did," he said, looking at Hedwig as she landed on Harry's shoulder and presented him with an extra-bloody mouse. "You must have known what today was somewhere in your heart, Harry Potter, because she knew you needed a party, even if it is just a few animals and some dead vermin." Harry knew that Nathair was probably right, as he had noticed the snake's insight many times before. "Well, thanks to you, too, Hedwig. You should eat yours too. And you're not just a bunch of animals, you're my best friends. And those vermin were the first presents I've ever gotten before." Harry smiled for a moment and then thought of something. "Hedwig, can you speak snake too?" Hedwig rolled her eyes. "We animals can communicate with each other on a level beyond words, Harry Potter. You would do well to remember this," Nathair warned him. "Er... Sorry?" Harry wasn't sure why he was apologizing. "Don't Apologize. You performed no wrong actions. Just remember that in the future." A bunch of orchids grew out of the table growing from the tree. It was that moment that made Harry think that the tree could think and communicate, too. "Thanks, tree." The branches croaked in response. x x x If the device that monitored Harry and the wards on his house wasn't ...
    ... silenced, covered with a thick blanket, and locked in the bottom shelf of the headmaster's desk, Dumbledore would have seen it flashing blue and heard a piercing siren sound, indicating that the blood wards had fallen and the Dursley household was completely open to attack at any moment. x x x Harry walked into his class on the first day of school, sad but knowing it was for his future that he was there. He sat down in the front row of the room, not because it was closest to the teacher, but because it was the farthest away from Dudley and his clowns. Also, it was harder for him to be accused of cheating if there was nobody in front of him. "I don't know this teacher, but she's probably been warned about me." As she read Harry's name off the roll, he raised his hand and her eyes narrowed a bit. Harry sighed. "It seems my reputation precedes me yet again. Oh well." As Harry went back into thinking about magic while his teacher called off the rest of the names on her list, Harry felt the same "outside magic" feeling like when he met Hedwig. By the time he realized what it was, the feeling of magic was gone. Harry looked in the direction it came from, but saw nothing unusual. He quickly forgot about it and went on with his day. Harry sat down to eat the lunch he brought in a brown paper bag. At least, that's what he pretended to do. He actually just brought an empty bag and conjured food inside of it before reaching in and taking it out. After reaching in to get a second bit of ...