1. Harry Potter NR.0

    Date: 9/15/2015, Categories: Fiction Fan fiction, Author: zimbi, Source: sexstories.com

    ... pudding, he felt the magical signature again. And again, it disappeared as soon as it came. He looked in the general direction it came from, which happened to be in the seat directly across from him. The seat that was empty when Harry sat down was now filled by the bushy-haired girl that sat next to him in class earlier. She was the kind of person that didn't really stand out much, and if he hadn't felt her magic, he probably would not have recognized her. He knew that she was the smart, know-it-all type that raised her hand at every question and drove people away. She was, without a doubt, the cause of the magical signature. "If you don't want to talk to me, go ahead and say it. Just don't ignore me," the girl said while glaring at him. She obviously thought he was pretending not to see her. "Sorry, I didn't see you sit down. I tend to get wrapped up in my own thoughts. I'm Harry Potter." He held out his hand and her frown let up a little. "Oh. Well, I guess I should apologize. I'm somewhat used to being ignored, you see," she said, blushing slightly. "Hermione Granger. Weird name, I know but it's from—" "Shakespeare. The Winter's Tale," Harry interrupted. It was in one of the library books he had read for ideas on magic. At least, he tried to read that one. A lot of them were very hard to read and used words Harry had never seen before. That story was about prophecies and telling the future, which Harry thought was beyond even his powers, so he didn't spend too much time ...
    ... on it. "Maybe she is like me...her parents gave her a name that's kind of magic related. Although that's stretching a bit. She did give off magic twice today." "You know Shakespeare?" Hermione perked up as if she was informed that she was talking to Shakespeare himself. "Was it for a class here? This is my first day, we just moved here, you see. This is the second time we have moved, and my mother thinks that it's bad for my social development, and I...happen to agree...But anyway, how is the curriculum here? Do they teach much literature here? Mrs. Hughes pronounced my name 'Hermy-own' earlier, and it seemed like she wasn't particularly interested in Renaissance literature. What do you think?" Harry stared at her, wide eyed. He had not spoken with many humans that weren't complete idiots for very long, and he had not spoken with any at all for months. He was pretty sure this was not normal. "Er... no, I tried to read some of it for...a project I'm working on. Y'know, on my own, but it was too hard for me, and not really relevant to my project, so I stopped reading it." Harry was sure that there was more to her than met the eye, and wasn't sure how to approach the subject, so he decided a blunt approach would be the best. "You're a witch, aren't you?" Hermione felt like she'd been stabbed with a knife made of ice. Harry Potter didn't look very smart, but he definitely was, even if he couldn't read Shakespeare. He was only eight, after all. She was hoping that she might have ...