1. Harry Potter NR.0

    Date: 9/15/2015, Categories: Fiction Fan fiction, Author: zimbi, Source: sexstories.com

    ... It wouldn't do any good to have them taken away the second he walked through the door. The Dursleys would probably burn his books instead of return them. Never having had any exposure to any sort of popular culture outside of what he learned in school, Harry naturally had no idea what sort of books to get, so he looked at the books that the other students' favorite movies were based on. Only about half of them were actually based on books, and the other half did not seem to have anything that could be considered magic. "I can't believe some parents let their kids watch these kinds of things. When I have kids, they'll have none of this junk. Of course, to have kids, I have to get married, buy a house, and get settled in first. Who's gonna marry me, stupid Harry Potter? And how am I supposed to buy a house? I don't even have my own clothes." Harry was quickly becoming depressed before he brought his mind back on track. "That movie about the evil doll sounded cool, though. Not the evil part, the moving doll part. Maybe I'll try to do that. Only I'll have to find a way to make sure it's not evil. Hey, maybe I can change the way people think about me with magic. That sounds like something a sorcerer could do." Growing up with the Dursleys gave Harry an appreciation for free will that not many his age did. In fact, his was probably greater than most adults his parents' age. "I don't think that making people do whatever I want would be very nice. That's something the Dursleys would ...
    ... do. But maybe I can get them to forget about me or ignore me more." With that thought, Harry added more ideas to his mental spell book. Since he only actually found a few useful books out of the ones he looked up, he decided to look into the non-fiction section. He knew that some people still claimed they could do different kinds of magic, even though Harry didn't think it was the same kind he could do. He got books on Voodoo, Celtic and Norse mythology, and even Shinto. "They might not be completely real, but everything is based on a little bit of truth," Harry thought. He put the shrunken items in his pockets and vanished into thin air. x x x The mysterious device that monitored Harry's magic output reached a level of volume and annoyance that even Albus Dumbledore could not stand. "Silencio!" he said. The room was suddenly quieter than it had been in several days. He sighed. "I believe that sound has become more annoying than useful at this point, wouldn't you agree?" Fawkes stared at him without making a sound. "Right." Dumbledore fell into his special headmaster's chair. He had a headache from the sound of that infernal machine. Chapter 2: The New Kid Over the next months, Harry developed his magic further than he thought possible. The spells that he once had to practice all day to get right now took him no effort at all. Not only had his skills increased, but his imagination. For Harry, if he could think it, he could make it happen. In his cupboard, he had a bookshelf ...